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The Supreme Specialist – The History of the Pointer

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94 – April, 2020


By Lee Connor

Recently I encountered the most beautiful Pointer bitch when going for my usual morning beachside walk. She greeted me in a typically enthusiastic style, placing two sandy paws on my chest, and giving me a wet lick across the face. Her red-faced owner came rushing up and offered her profuse apologies.

‘Oh, don’t worry,’ I assured her, ‘she’s absolutely gorgeous.’ Relieved that I was a fellow dog lover, she began to tell me the horrifying back story of her lovely, extremely friendly girl.

‘She’s a rescue, I’ve just brought her over from Cyprus.’

I subsequently learned that the wonderful sun-baked Mediterranean island of Cyprus hides a shocking history of abused hunting dogs. Pointers feature heavily in the tally of dogs that are annually abandoned on mountain tops, shot or barbarically hung from trees.

And Cyprus isn’t alone in this cruelty; the very same abuse is also rife in numerous European countries, and the problem is simply being swept under the rug and isn’t being discussed.

Thankfully, there are now a number of UK charities that are speaking up about the wicked treatment suffered by Cyprus’ hunting dogs and are bringing scores of these noble dogs into Britain and giving them a fresh start. I highlighted their amazing work in a British canine publication a few months ago and I think it shocked a lot of people, many of whom had been completely unaware of their plight.

That beachside encounter wasn’t my first close contact with a Pointer. When I was a kid (back in the far flung reaches of the 1980s) I used to earn some pocket money by walking dogs for my local boarding kennel. Out of all the various breeds that I would have to walk, my favorite was an orange and white Pointer. She was so gentle, loving and had such a proud carriage. She was an absolute joy to be around and it was a pleasure simply to watch her move.

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94 – April, 2020

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