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The Belgian Monkey

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104 – September, 2023

By Lee Connor

Growing up, I had a pet squirrel monkey. He was bought by my father, in a pub, and rescued from a miserable life as a photographer’s prop.

Bimbo was absolutely adored and often run riot through our suburban home in North London.

Eyebrows were most definitely raised when this little imp pulled back the brilliant white net curtains to grimace at unsuspecting passersby! It was a sad day indeed when he passed away having caught flu; I was completely devastated.

Nowadays, primate-keeping is illegal in many States and distinctly frowned upon elsewhere, for very good reason–monkeys do not make good pets.

However, I do think Bimbo had a long-lasting, curious after-effect, resulting in my adoration of a particular choice of dog breed–one that I have long-hankered after.

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104 – September, 2023

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  • September 2024