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AKC Announces Pilot NOHS Regional Event Program

AKC Sports and Events is excited to announce a one-year pilot program for Regional NOHS Events. We are pleased to offer new and exciting events that showcase NOHS Exhibitors.

The AKC will approve up to eight all-breed clubs the honor of holding the first NOHS Regional Events around the country from September 19, 2024, through September 17, 2025. The period for the pilot program corresponds with the qualifying period for the 2025 AKC NOHS Finals in Orlando. NOHS points earned competing at the regional events will be double those earned at standard NOHS events and will count toward qualifying for the 2025 AKC NOHS Finals!

Regional NOHS events will be structured and judged in the same manner as the AKC National Owner-Handled Series Finals in Orlando. These events will consist of one class per breed for all dogs of a single breed or variety. Each Best of Breed or Variety winner will then advance to compete in its respective group, and the seven group winners will compete for the coveted award of Best in Show at a NOHS Regional. Selected Clubs are urged to hire judges that exceed the current minimum requirements for NOHS.

Event Requirements -

The clubs selected to host the inaugural NOHS Regionals will be required to meet the following criteria:

Use of a superintendent

The NOHS Regional entry fee may not exceed the club’s regular conformation event entry fee.

Entries will be handled in accordance with AKC Rules.

Clubs may limit the overall entry but may not specify additional eligibility criteria.

The events will be open to any NOHS eligible owner-handled entrant.

NOHS Regionals may not be held on the same date and site of an all-breed show also offering NOHS.

All other NOHS Regulations apply.

Selection Process

All-Breed Clubs interested in hosting an inaugural NOHS Regional must submit its request by March 31, 2024, to be considered. Clubs will be selected based on the quality of the proposal, the club’s history of holding NOHS events, the date and geographical location they are proposing to hold the event, and how they intend to make their NOHS Regional spectacular. Proposals should be emailed to AKC Club Development: If you have any questions, please contact Glenn Lycan at or call 919-816-3560.

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