Ted Eldredge – A Legacy Built on the Irish Setter
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By Amy Fernandez
Before I write a word about Irish Setters, I should confess my journalistic bias because this is the breed that got me hooked on purebred dogs. Don’t ask me to explain how or why. But I vividly remember the life changing moment when I saw a neighbor walking his new dog. It stopped me dead in my tracks. I was enthralled and nobody can match a six-year-old when it comes to non-stop please…please…why not?? Well, Mom never gave in to my Irish Setter obsession, which was clearly the sensible decision from a parental standpoint. She also nixed the Bloodhound, the Bluetick and the Saint Bernard, but as we know it merely forestalled the inevitable.
My point is that there’s something about this breed that refuses to be ignored. That glossy, rippling red coat, those long silky ears, and an expression that’s somehow both majestic and sweet. All in all, the Irish Setter is a truly captivating package.
I wasn’t the first kid to fall under its spell. Let’s talk about one person that really left his mark on this sport. Edward Irving Eldredge, better known as Ted, was a force to be reckoned with in Irish Setters for a half-century. His Tirvelda bloodline produced over 100 champions and seeded countless successful breeding programs. As a judge and a mentor, his influence was incalculable.
So maybe this mentor is a good place to start. The Setter ring was a fierce place in 1932 when Lee Schoen founded the Kinvarra kennel outside of Darien, Connecticut. He started strong; basing his line on Ch. Higgins Red Coat combined with some stunning British import bitches such as Borrowdale Yseult of Kinvarra. This became the foundation for future generations of stock that Schoen handled to impressive wins in field trials and shows. In 1958, Kinvarra Kimson would win the Westminster group as a class dog.
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