Send Us Your #NextGeneration Photos!
We want to see our readers #NextGeneration photos to be shared on The #CanineChronicle!
Thank you Amanda Shea for sharing this beautiful photo of your children and their dogs. Amanda says, “Owen(8), Matthew (15), Hunter (3), and Missy(15) have raised many litters in our home. The older kids have cleaned countless whelping boxes while mom is away at shows and the littles have given so much socialization and tolerance training to every litter we have. The next generation is very much is full force at Sheaman Kennels.”
Do your children train the puppies? Do they love to groom the dogs and get them show ready? Do they help whelp litters? Do they help take candid photos? Do your kids just love spending time with the dogs? Please share photos of your Next Generation (2 legged and 4 legged) with us! We want to see them! Email Gia at with your photos!
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