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Progressive Features the Best of the Best

By Amy Fernandez

Progressive had a couple strikes against it before judging started at Westminster weekend’s kickoff event. It took the brunt of New York’s weather drama, which translated into a drizzling leak of melting snow through the ceiling of the Penn Top Ballroom. Then, to top that, half of the judging panel was missing in action. It was a no-go for both Luc Boileau, coming from Wisconsin, and Norm Patton, trying to get out of Arizona.

None of that mattered,though, as the show went on. There’s a reason why Progressive is still going strong after so many years. They know how to roll with the punches. A bit of rearranging steered traffic around the leaks. And judges are running wild around NYC this week, so replacements were not a problem. As it happened, the intrepid Bert Easdon, breeder of Yakee Pekingese, visiting from Scotland, was in the right place at the right time. He took over Luc Bolieau’s assignment for Brussels, Cresteds, Pugs, ETs, IGs, Chins, and Papillons. When it became apparent that Mr. Patton wouldn’t make it in time to award BIS, Mr. Jason Hoke got a bit of extra work. Elena Spector, from Argentina, with a background in Cockers, Boxers, and Maltese, rounded out this interesting, international panel.

Surprisingly, the weather didn’t have much impact on the entry, which clocked in at 403. This was not Progressive’s largest, but it was far and away one of its finest. Toys are typically a strong group, but this group was chock full of some notably good stuff. Cavaliers and Yorkies led the way with 47 and 66 entries respectively and plenty of heavy hitters in both lineups. In Yorkies, the celebrated European winner from Italy, Qoccle’s Welcome Emira, came out of the Open Bitch class to take BOS. She wasn’t the only international visitor that added buzz to the show.


The final cut of 23 breeds came down to the Havanese, Ch. Yup’s If The Shoe Fits, the Maltese (taking breed from Open Dog) Cinecitta Ian Somerhailder, the Manchester GCH. Rustic Lane Sunshine Daydream, the Pug GCH. Hill Country’s Let’s Get Ready To Rumble, the Pom, GCH. Moxiepom’s Max Schmeling, the Min Pin GCH. Kimro’s Miss Vera Vain, the Yorkie GCHG. Artistry’s Cole Train, the Affenpinscher GCHB. Tamarin Tailback, the English Toy GCH. Clussexx Cream and Crimson, and the Pekingese Ch. Pequest Pickwick. The Peke had the last word. Just 2½ years old, Progressive 2017 added one more victory to an already awesome record for such a young dog.

Group Two went to the Affen, the top Toy for 2016. Group Third rounded out a really nice day for the Maltese. And fourth went to the National Specialty winning Pom.

Progressive was fun, exciting and it definitely lit the fuse for an interesting week ahead.

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