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New AKC Policy Regarding Specialty Shows: Too Many Shows Or A Possible Solution?

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98 – March, 2023

By Caroline Coile

It seems that just as soon as everyone agrees we have too many shows, AKC makes it easier to add more. But…this new change may make things a little better—not for all-breed entries but for specialties.

Back when I started showing dogs, a specialty club could have one specialty a year. Then it changed to two. Then I think it was two plus one designated, then two plus two designated—I probably have this wrong but something along those lines.

AKC recently announced a specialty club can have up to four specialties a year (five if one is in conjunction with the breed’s National Specialty). In addition, they may hold four designated specialties a year. That’s a total of eight (or even nine!) specialties!

The new ruling also increases distance from their home turf that a specialty club can hold a show. The new rule allows clubs to hold specialties up to 500 miles from their territory (with Parent Club approval), or up to 300 miles when joining other specialty clubs of the same breed. They may travel up to 125 miles when not utilizing either of these options.

As with most new rules this one has good and bad points.

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98 – March, 2023

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