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Morris & Essex 2021

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438 – June, 2021

By Joan Harrigan

What’s changing at Morris & Essex this year? Aside from the date, not much—and that’s just how club President and Show Chairman Wayne Ferguson wants it. The dog show world is still far from normal—but it’s gratifying to enter our favorite shows once again, even with the new safety precautions.

We’ve all spent a year growing accustomed to disappointment—not the least of which was the inevitable postponement of the 2020 Morris & Essex show. After all, it is only held once every five years, which makes it all the more anticipated. During the 2020 Westminster Week, the club held its usual annual meeting in New York. It was to be the last meeting before the October 1 show; committees reported, additional volunteers were recruited, and everyone looked ahead to the fall.

We all know what happened next. As one dog person said, “I think Westminster was the last normal thing I did in 2020.” There’s no need to recap the ups and downs of the early days of the pandemic—we’ve all lived it. When it became evident that “the show could not go on,” waiting another five years was unthinkable. It was simply rescheduled, with trust that no further delay would be necessary. The new date is Wednesday, October 6, 2021, at Colonial Park in Somerset, New Jersey, with no reduction in the scale of the show.

Morris & Essex Origins

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438 – June, 2021

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