Looking At The Future!
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252 – May, 2022
By Lee Canalizo
I had the opportunity to get to a local dog show this month; it’s not something I can do very frequently nowadays. It was held at the Sun ‘N Fun Airport in Lakeland, Florida. It has a series of hanger-type buildings with good natural light and lots of space for spectators. Being one of those spectators, Mike made room for me right up front with a super view of the down and back! It was great seeing so many of my dog show peeps and a whole group of new dogs in their strings. When you’re away for a while things sure do change.
I watched a very nice Afghan Hound dog rise to Winners, and then it was time for puppy bitches. As the class gathered, in came the most adorable girl, not more than six years old, with a blue Afghan puppy in tow! I thought, ‘uh oh, this could be challenging for all involved!’ Well, I could not have been more wrong!! This beautiful little child handled her puppy like a pro. She moved her at the proper speed, set her up and kept her in control at all times! Well, guess who was WINNERS BITCH? She was a real crowd pleaser, and both she and her charge deserved the win. It turns out that both of her parents are professional handlers, and she is certainly following in their footsteps!
When I got home that evening I started to think of all the small children we now have at the shows. Most of them are children of the husband-and-wife handling teams. I have included photos of a few of the future “superstars” here for you to keep your eye on.
I begin with Javier Farias, who is a hero to all who meet him. He was born with a handicap, but through sheer persistence, courage and wonderful parents, he is living an exciting life along with his sisters, whom I have included here. First is Evangelina and her sister, Valentina who are also trying their hand in the ring. Notice the grooming comb in her hair, just like the “big guys!
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252 – May, 2022
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