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Looking Around With Lee – A Little Light At The End of the Dog Show Tunnel?

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240 – November/December, 2020

By Lee Canalizo

This week, here in Florida, I was busy being an armchair quarterback, as the dog shows were being held roughly 25 miles away from my home. Due to an abundance of caution concerning the COVID-19 virus, I did not attend the shows. Thanks to The Canine Chronicle show results on, personal reports, etc. I had a pretty good idea of who the players were and how the new health rules were applied to all attendees.

After a bit of a rocky start on Tuesday–unloading day–things fell into place on Wednesday, the first day of shows. It seems all participants wore masks and kept the six-foot distance suggested for everyone’s’ well-being.

At the end of the first day, as the groups were being judged, it became clear to me that there seemed to be light at the end of the dog show world tunnel. That tunnel being the total disruption of all dog-related activities due to the pandemic. In Tampa, group exhibit after group exhibit was a top ranked dog for their breed. This did not apply to all, of course, but so very many stars were in evidence in the various group rings. The fancy made a great effort to get to whatever events were being offered. This took some creative logistics for those heading cross country, trying to hit shows along the way…and back.

This special circumstance created competition that was a keen and wonderous sight. So many great dogs in competition at the breed level made for hard fought wins and tough decisions from the person standing in the middle of the ring. This brought back old times when the best met the best in the ring. They were not spread over a dozen shows throughout the country, thus diluting the power of the win. (Travel had much to do with that as we know, but that is how it was! Criss-crossing the country with your superstar dog was almost never done).

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240 – November/December, 2020

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