Looking Around With Lee
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110 – March, 2022
By Lee Canalizo
When we start as new, untested judges, I think we all have our heads in the clouds! We think, “I know I can do this, after all, I showed/bred good dogs, and did my share of winning! What’s the problem? I did a little bit of stewarding, went to Nationals, mentored under some good people, I’m ready!”
Not so fast! The first assignment or two you’re allowed a little leeway…maybe…(in the old days for sure…now, I’m not sure that happens)…Just a little, especially with procedure, timing, etc. But not with the exhibit you choose to award! In a small entry you do the best with what you have, after all they can’t all be bad. It’s here you show what you’re made of. It’s easy to find a winner when you have several really good ones to play with. That is IF you have the talent to find the right one. And here-in lies the rub! There is a new wrinkle in a new judge’s first appearance these days. No longer does “everyone” enter under a new judge. From the get-go your actions are on every social media platform, literally the second you point. It seems that many will do a “watch-and-see” before entering under a newer judge. So be mindful that somewhere around your 4th or 5th assignment you might see dogs shown that are a wee bit different than what you typically have seen in your ring. THERE IS YOUR TEST…the solid breeders have seen what you did with what you had and thought you fared well with that entry…so now they appear with dogs that are closer to what a breeder-judge might gravitate toward. If you’re well-prepared: you will be pleased to have these entries. If you fail to find them and place them correctly, most likely those breeders will pull back and not gamble their entry fee under you for a good while.
TALENT. Every judge approaches the process with their own personal make-up and experiences. A judge with a scientific/analytical mind will place the importance on measurements, angles, things that the standard required for sure.
The more regimented person will place importance on performance, movement at the moment, and will not be very forgiving of missteps or unsoundness.
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110 – March, 2022
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