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In Memory Of Peggy Dillard Carr

We received the very sad news that Peggy Dillard Carr of Franklin, Tennessee passed away on January 7. Peggy was a longtime fancier, AKC judge and breeder of Pekingese.

Peggy enjoyed all aspects of the sport from breeding to judging. She loved spending time with her friends and sharing old stories. Peggy was known for her wonderful sense of humor and always had a kind word. There was “no grey area” for Peggy; she was passionate, loyal, and had strength in her convictions. Peggy was never difficult to spot at a dog show; she was known for her big black hair!

Peggy spent more than 50 years in the sport of purebred dogs. She was as devoted and passionate to her Pekingese and her judging as anyone in the sport. Her Pekingese were very accomplished in the show ring; Peggy bred over 100 AKC champions as well as many All-Breed Best in Show winners. She judged 2 AKC Groups, Toy and Non-Sporting, as well as Best in Show. Peggy judged the Pekingese Club of America National Specialty multiple times as well as other breeds’ National Specialties. She rarely missed a judging assignment; maybe once in her judging career! She was also active in her local all breed dog clubs.

Peggy will be remembered for her loyalty, candor, conviction, kindness, and passion for her beautiful Pekingese, judging and the sport of purebred dogs. A visitation and memorial service will be held for Peggy on January 11, 2023 in Franklin, TN.

The Canine Chronicle extends our deepest condolences to Peggy’s family and friends who knew and loved her. She will be sorely missed by the fancy.

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Posted by on Jan 10 2023. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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