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IMHO – Groups That are the Most Rewarding and Challenging

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122 – October, 2021

By Elaine Lessig

Elaine Lessig – AKC Judge

As an experienced group judge, which is the group you currently find the most rewarding to judge? Share three reasons why.

Judging the Miscellaneous Group brings great rewards to me and to the exhibitors, too. Personally, I find it exciting to have the opportunity to learn about each of these new breeds prior to their recognition. Before I judge them, I like to review the available information and get a good knowledge of the breed. Just being in the ring with the dogs is very fulfilling. Are they what I expected or very different? More than anything else, taking the time after judging to welcome newcomers to the sport and to discuss the breeds with the exhibitors provides an invaluable insight into the breed and often the breeders’ preferences, too.

As an experienced group judge, which is the group you currently find the most challenging to judge? Share three reasons why.

For me, Junior Showmanship is the most challenging–now and always. Judging Juniors requires a different mindset than any conformation group does–now and always. Conformation is not being judged, the handlers are. Think about the range of ages and skills. A judge needs to be sensitive and professional at the same time. The novice handler in the ring for the first time is an entirely different exhibitor than any in the Master Class. Often the line between judging the class positively, not negatively, gets blurred. Mistakes do get made which result in a lower placement. Still, at the end, the best prevail.

Marie Falconer – AKC Judge

As an experienced group judge, which is the group you currently find the most rewarding to judge?

 Click here to read the complete article
122 – October, 2021

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