From The Publisher
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10 – April, 2022
In nearly every issue of The Canine Chronicle, we feature an article or two about great dogs, great handlers, or great breeders from the past.
The series titled The Great Ones by Kerrin Winter-Churchill is one such feature that is favored by our readers. Every article in this series is about a dog or handler whose name is synonymous with greatness in the sport of purebred dogs. These articles are fascinating, and the reverence with which the subject of each article is given only serves to reinforce the important role they played in the development of their breed or their craft.
The sport of purebred dogs is steeped in history and celebrated with a type of pomp and circumstance that carries over from the early days of dog shows over a century ago. The formal attire that many still wear–a jacket and tie for men, a skirt or dress for women–is a dress code that harkens back to those days. The setup of the rings–although more modern with actual fencing and other present-day touches–is the same basic setup and procedure that exhibitors in the ‘20s and ‘30s experienced. For the most part, I have no problem with the lack of change. I think maintaining traditions is important, and change for change’s sake can sometimes be damaging. However, that discussion is for another day.
As I read the article about the great Standard Poodle, Ch. Nunsoe Duc de la Terrace of Blakeen, in this month’s insertion of The Great Ones (page 150), I felt like I was transported back to the days when so many of the breeds we admire in today’s show ring were being developed by dedicated (mostly wealthy) breeders. It’s fascinating to read about the hard work they were doing to bring great breeding stock to the U.S. Their travels–by ship back then–took them to points far from their home country. Their letters documented the enjoyment and heartbreak they experienced in their quest to produce the perfect speciment of their chosen breed.
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