Four Factors Portend the Future of the Sport – Part 4
146 – August, 2018
Historically the conformation sport has been the primary venue used by breeders and exhibitors to observe stud dogs, brood bitches and the results of breedings along with the progress and development of their breed. Over several decades, with the growth of low entry breeds (LE), the decline in show entries and the increased use of Limited Registrations (LR’s), the conformation sport has lost much of its attraction for these purposes. Related to these concerns is the noticeable decline in the number of breeders who use a breed standard when selecting breeding stock. When these factors are combined, they can, and are, causing serious problems for many breeds and the future of the stud book.
For the reasons previously identified in Parts I, II, III of this article, this was a data-driven study that focused on the fourth factor known to impact the conformation sport and the stud book. The focus of the three previous reports was on: declining registrations, low conversion rates, Low Entry Breeds, and shrinking gene pool populations. The data used and explanations given were previously published in past issues of The Canine Chronicle. A further review of the data also showed a connection between the size of gene pool populations and the implications for breed health, especially in those breeds that are un- able to grow and expand (Bell). The concern has been growing and the number of low entry breeds and the increasing use of limited registrations needs to be reviewed.
We begin this report with the understanding that the registration process is at the heart of many of the problems and influencing the future of many breeds and the conformation sport. For several years declining registrations have negatively impacted the stewardship of breeds, club memberships, the loss of breeders who use a breed standard and show entries. Until recently, little attention has been paid to their impact. With this as background, this fourth data-driven study will focus on the third kind of registration which is the breeder’s tool called the Limited Registration (LR).
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