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Table Talk

I was saddened to hear that the Denver cluster that was usually held in February has disbanded. This show had a large gate and was a great opportunity to educate the general public about the sport of purebred dogs. I recognize it is difficult to co-exist when running a cluster, but so many of the great, large clusters are falling by the wayside. What’s to be done? How can clubs work together to continue to put on multi-club clusters in order to sustain these larger events? The sport is met with so many challenges these days; I’d love to see someone come up with a way to mediate some of the issues between these clubs so clusters like that held in Denver can continue to prosper. If you have any thoughts, I’m all ears!

I was saddened to hear of the passing of “RB” – GCh. Telltale Salute, the English Springer Spaniel. Our thoughts and prayers are with Robin Novak and the team of owners and breeders of this outstanding dog. No one will forget his run with handler Robin Novack to #1 Sporting Dog in 2005.

One of the founding members of the Little Fort Kennel Club of Waukegan, IL, William Peacy, Jr., has passed away. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends.

Our thoughts are with former professional handlers and current AKC judges Doug and Rita Holloway and family on the loss of Doug’s mother, Emma Holloway.

Congratulations to Bob Busby and Erika Bigott on their recent engagement! It will be great to see Erika stateside again. Speaking of stateside again, Scott Kipp paid a visit to Wisconsin from his new home in Germany recently.

There was very sad news from Bloomington, IL over the weekend. Irish Terrier fanciers Bruce & Nancy Peterson were murdered by their 25-year-old son on Sunday. We are saddened by the loss of valuable members of our dog show family.

Birthday wishes to Glen Lajeski, Michelle Starry, Lisa Bettis, Roz Kramer, Lisa Miller, Kevin Nieboer and Cheryl Patterson.

Let me hear from you, folks! I’d love to give kudos to a cluster that has done a great job, any demonstration of outstanding sportsmanship, or any other ideas about topics that you think will be of interest to our fancy.

As always, remember… our dogs come first! Take care of them and be safe out there!

Until next time!

Please let me know if there is an entire Show Committee, or special Committee member you would like mentioned for their hard work and dedication. I’d love to hear from you!!!! If there is a b-day, anniversary or special trip you’d like to tell us about, email me at or

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Posted by on Aug 3 2016. Filed under Editorial, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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