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Dogland – Passion, Glory, And Lots Of Slobber

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222 – August, 2024

By Amy Fernandez

A few months back, while trapped in traffic, I began idly spinning the dial, seeking some radio diversion. Expecting nothing, I stopped when I heard “upcoming interview with Tommy Tomlinson, (so what) …about his new book on show dogs and dog shows!” Bumper to bumper on the Northern State suddenly seemed more bearable.

Admittedly, my expectations were low. I reckoned that the interview would stun me from boredom to rage. After all, our game has endured an unceasing barrage of counterfactual media garbage. At this point, that Best In Show movie looks like a sympathetic portrayal. Cynicism and resignation are my prevailing sentiments, and they are more than justified.

So Tommy got to talking, and apparently, as he explained in the interview and the intro to his book, “Are those dogs happy? That thought formed in my head one night years ago as I watched the Westminster Dog Show on TV…Dogs, I loved. Dog shows? They always seemed a little strange.” Tomlinson’s book recounts his multi-year, nationwide research project to unravel the mysteries of dog shows, purebreds, and canine happiness. His ostensible goal was to settle that issue–at least for show dogs.

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222 – August, 2024

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  • September 2024