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Did You Know? Everyone Started Somewhere

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130 – June, 2023

By Michael Canalizo

Did you know…virtually everyone in the dog sport, even those famous ones in the history books for one reason or another, started exactly where you started. Somewhere, somehow, they wanted a purebred dog and sought to find one. Most didn’t have a show dog in mind at first, and most likely their first purebred dog didn’t cut it as a show dog. Those of us that dipped a toe in the pond were quick to find that out. There were big fish in ‘Dem Der Waters’…and some of them looked like sharks with really, really sharp teeth to those of us in the uncharted waters we waded into.

How a newcomer is handled in the beginning can make or break the situation. I have heard so many terrible stories from a newbie. Some judges or breeders being so shortsighted that the new kid left in tears and was never to be seen again. Thankfully, there are those who look at you and that adoring pup with nearly every fault in the standard and have a moment of nostalgia of exactly where and when they had that same reckoning.

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130 – June, 2023

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