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Breed Priorities – Saint Bernard

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212 – March, 2022

By Nikki Riggsbee

This St. Bernard survey and article are unique in this series; it was a collaborative effort between the St. Bernard Club of America and me. The SBCA Education Committee developed the survey using my designs and forms. They created the lists of virtues and faults, selecting more than the sixteen that I have used in past surveys, which were based on the pattern in the Irish Wolfhound standard. The Education Committee also created the outlines from selected dogs and bitches. They invited forty-six AKC St. Bernard breeder-judges to participate and collected the input data. I did the data analysis in the same way that was done with the other surveys and wrote the article.

Twenty-seven St. Bernard breeder-judges participated in the survey to different degrees. The whole group averaged over thirty-five years in the breed and more than seventeen years judging it. Nine have judged their national specialty, and all have judged other St. Bernard specialties. Some of the participants didn’t contribute to all the survey components. Twenty-three ranked the list of virtues, and twenty ranked the list of faults. Nineteen evaluated the dog outlines, while sixteen evaluated the bitches.

St. Bernard Virtues

The SBCA Education Committee prepared a list of characteristics called for by the standard. Twenty-three breeder-judges ranked them by priority, with 1 being most important and 22 being the least important. The list of virtues below is in sequence by the average of the experts’ ranks.

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212 – March, 2022

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