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Breed Priorities – German Wirehaired Pointer

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246 – April, 2018

by Nikki Riggsbee

German Wirehaired Pointers were developed in Germany in the late 1800s. It is a rugged, versatile hunting dog that can work in different terrains. This medium sized breed is known for his distinctive protective wire coat with facial furnishings. Other breeds include coat descriptions in the breeds’ names in addition to others that also use “wirehaired”: curly-coated, flat coated, griffon, hairless, wire, smooth, and soft coat. I wondered how important German Wirehaired Pointer experts would consider the coat which is part of the breed’s name. Thirty-three GWP breeder-judges and mentors were found and invited to participate in a survey on their breed. Twenty-eight agreed to do so. This response was promising, but only sixteen completed surveys were returned. It is a sufficient number to produce a reasonable result, but it was less than half of the number of experts invited. Thanks so much to those who found the time to contribute. Those who took the survey averaged over thirty-two years in the breed. Those who were judges have been adjudicating the breed for nearly seventeen years on average. Many of those have judged their national and other GWP specialties…

Note:  This article is not intended to promote fault or part judging. Nor is it to imply that any characteristic called for in the standard is unimportant. Judging, and breeding, is about prioritizing and about what the judge or breeder will forgive. Discussing priorities can help in learning how to better evaluate a breed. Questions, Comments, or Concerns? Contact AKC?Judge Ms. Nikki Riggsbee at Email:?

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246 – April, 2018

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