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Been There Done That – Barkaritaville & the Tarheel

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152 – April, 2023

By Elaine J. Lessig

Medina Kennel Club – March 3 & 4, 2023

The Barkaritaville Cluster

After one look, you will not believe you are in Eastern Ohio on a cold winter weekend. This tropical paradise exists for two days each year at the Summit County Fairgrounds. Show Chair Mary Norton-Augustus and her tireless committee decorate the entire show with everything tropical. There is actually a tiki hut with a neon palm tree. It’s like a real tiki bar with delicious frozen margaritas that pour forth from their machine, which never seems to stop. No liquor license is needed. The tasty, non-alcoholic beverages are just fine. The biggest raffle baskets you have ever seen adorn the club tables with a steady stream of hopefuls putting their tickets in the boxes next to each one. Late Sunday, the tickets were pulled to cheers for the winners.

With club members, stewards, exhibitors, and even the photographer getting into the spirit, the rings were festive with the tropical colors that most attendees wore. There was even a costume contest for dogs with their owners. I must say there are some pretty creative folks in the Tallmadge area.

Best of all was the music which constantly played over both days. Lots of the attendees and even the officials enjoyed the sounds of Jimmy Buffett and other artists resonating through the sound system. Let’s just say that if you like the tropics, free margaritas, and the possibility of snow in early March, I know the perfect place for you!

Cary, Alamance, and Durham Kennel Clubs - March 8, 9, & 10, 2023

Good Times at the Tarheel!

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152 – April, 2023

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