A Cautionary Tale About Co-Ownerships Gone Wrong
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120 – October, 2023
By Amy Fernandez
Remember when prenups first hit the news? Instantly, it was a volatile topic–for several reasons. First off, there was an understandable distaste for the idea of putting romance under a legal microscope. Breaking the marriage bond down to blunt, real life issues like money and death seemed incredibly cold blooded and discussing the possibility of divorce before this ship had even set sail seemed morally objectionable. Many argued that such an analytical mindset would doom any relationship from the start. Love doesn’t belong in the same sentence as equitable distribution of assets. Needless to say, hammering out the terms of such a prickly contract would inevitably involve some really uncomfortable conversations.
So, this debate continues but in the meantime, prenuptial agreements have become a fairly routine aspect of life planning simply because they prevent so many awful misunderstandings. Love is love, but in reality no one can predict the future. Theoretically, it’s all about trust and mutual respect, and that should guide the ship over rough waters. Until it doesn’t.
That portrayal bears some striking similarities to the relationships we form when we work with other breeders. Dog breeding is, by definition, a complicated and unpredictable endeavor. That long road to perfection demands an indefinable melding of art, science and plain old good luck. As much as we try to sidestep trouble through rigorous standards and practices, it will find us. In reality, no amount of time, work or money can guarantee one damn thing.
Just like a marriage, stuff happens. To paraphrase the immortal Pat Trotter, if you do this long enough, you are bound to see everything. No one invites trouble but unanticipated problems are built into this business model. But as she also pointed out, the real issue is how you handle them. Unfortunately, those remedies are not always simple or straightforward. Just consider some of the tabloid-style stuff that arises when dog deals go south. It is infuriating, heartbreaking, financially ruinous–you name it. This game can be very rough.
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120 – October, 2023
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