“Author Archive”
Stories written by Jane Alston-Myers

Christopher Guest’s mockumentary Best In Show came out in 2000, so it was one of the pegs for the first feature I did for WNYC, the public radio station for which I am now the annual show commentator. There was even a direct connection—I met the breeder who had supplied Guest with the Bloodhound that his character showed in the film. He interviewed her in character (here’s how they are described in a Google summary: “Harlan Pepper (Christopher Guest) and his Bloodhound Hubert: The Southern owner of a fishing goods store and an aspiring ventriloquist, he is an affable man who prides himself on being able to name every type of nut”) and she had no idea until the premiere that he wasn’t that aimable guy from the South.
July 20th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

One week after his second Westminster conquest, David Fitzpatrick walked into a room full of judges and …nothing. No, this isn’t a really lame joke. It’s an example of how compartmentalized our sport has become in recent years. I caught up with David right after he’d gotten back from AKC’s two-day seminar for beginner judges. He admitted that he hadn’t bargained on winning Westminster when he originally booked his trip to Chicago. Actually, who would factor that sort of possibility into their schedule? But he did and despite that unforeseen complication there was the issue of the non-refundable ticket. Rather than being greeted by a standing ovation, “A lot of beginner judges didn’t even know who I was. They are from a wide background of breeds and not really cognizant of what’s going on in Toy breeds.” Still, it’s Westminster. But let’s leave it there.
July 19th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

The forelimbs are, in essence, columns of support over which the body is propelled by the hindlimbs. The bone length and angles of the forelimbs must physically balance those of the rear limbs for maximum efficiency.
The shoulder (Scapula), the arm (Humerus), the pelvis (Ilium, Ischium and Pubis) and the thigh (Femur) are of approximately equal lengths, creating balance.
July 18th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

Basenjis are an ancient breed from central Africa, based on DNA, cave art, and pyramid art. When discovered by Europeans, they were described as a small bark-less dog, with short yellow-tan hair, large erect ears, and a short, curled tail. The Basenji is still used in central Africa as a hunting dog.
Basenjis were imported to England and later to the United States and were officially recognized by AKC in 1944. In the late 1980s and early ‘90s, several American Basenji breeders traveled to central Africa and brought home some Basenjis as part of the African Stock Project to introduce new dogs. Not many breeds have the opportunity to do that – to return and have access to foundation stock working at original jobs.
July 17th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

May it please the court. How many times after an abortive run or go in some dog sport have you heard someone say or possibly said yourself, “Wow, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen him/her do that” or ‘Well, that’s a new one.” Animal behaviorists contend that dogs are not capable of complex thoughts such as determining that they’re at a test or a trial, and they can get by with goofing off or playing the clown. They say when dogs are naughty, it’s because something has happened to upset them or they feel ignored. They further state that when a dog acts up, they aren’t doing whatever they’re doing in the hope of getting a reaction from you or from the gallery.
July 16th, 2021 | Posted in Editorial,Featured | Read More »

Cars and motorcycles ranging from the classics to just plain funky are hidden in some of dogdom’s secret garages.
July 15th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,The Buzz | Read More »

Did you watch Westminster? Did you love eavesdropping on the judges as they talked to the exhibitors? Did you notice a recurring theme? Most of them, including Best In Show Judge Pat Trotter, asked the handlers to gait their dogs at a reasonable speed. Did you catch that? And do you know why nearly all the judges referenced speed at some point in their conversations?
July 15th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

More and more, I have come to respect the need to find the perfect word in both my conversation and writing. It is no longer productive to use vague language in our human discourse. Choosing a word which exemplifies precisely what we need to communicate cuts through the debris and gets right to the point. Think of it as choosing the fastest route on MapQuest rather than taking the slower back roads. Yes, you get where you are going, but it takes longer and you may get lost. We tend to prefer the mile markers and exit numbers to the town and street names which need to be found.
July 14th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

Many breeds have an epigram that defines them. That short, distinctive line or quote that instantly gives you a mental picture of the breed’s essence.
July 13th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Featured | Read More »

When Chris Terrell piloted Ch. Kabik’s The Challenger out onto that sea of emerald green, all noise and distraction fell away. Turning inward, a focused confidence surged through his hands, enabling the great hound to reveal his very essence as the king of all dogs.
Known as ‘Pepsi’ by his many adoring fans, the magnificent black-and-tan Afghan Hound had been crowned Showdog of the Year for 1982 just one month before Chris Terrell showed him to his Westminster Best In Show. They won this great honor as an owner-handler team.
July 8th, 2021 | Posted in Current Articles,Dog Show History,Featured | Read More »