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From The Publisher

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10 – June, 2024

By Tom Grabe

“Why are people so nasty,” my friend said. This was how she opened the conversation, so I was taken off guard for a moment. I replied with, “What people?” She said, “Dog people!” I asked, “Which dog people are you talking about?” She countered with, “ALL?dog people.”

As our conversation progressed, she described a confrontation she had with a rival that devolved from a two-person argument to one with her rival and several of her rival’s friends. I’m sure she felt like it was her against the world at that moment. No, there wasn’t a bench show committee, but in today’s bench show-happy environment, my friend said it could have–and probably should have–happened. There was a fair amount of vulgarity and rough talk. My friend is old school. She wouldn’t bench someone for something this trivial.

As we talked more, I thought, “She’s wrong. All dog people aren’t nasty. In fact, few are nasty and not nice. Most are nice people who are fun to be around.” I told her what I was thinking and, after several minutes of protest and anecdotes about other loathsome people in the sport, she said there were ‘some’ nice people in the sport of purebred dogs. We ended our conversation on that high note. Small victories eventually lead to great revelations.

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10 – June, 2024

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  • October 2024