The Big E – Enthusiasm Is Contagious
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178 – May, 2023
By Elaine Lessig
Finally, spring has returned to the North to renew and refresh our lives. The first warm days help us melt from the chill, darkness, and rain of the season just ended. Whether the groundhog sees or does not see its shadow on February 2nd, by the time we reach mid-April, we know the season has truly arrived. Suddenly, one by one, or one and all, the girls come into season. They remind us that as the flowers bloom, so do they. Outdoor dog shows proliferate. The bigger rings and green grass always make the dogs look better. No more are there heavy coats, gloves, and hats to pack. Colorful sundresses and golf shirts dominate the show grounds. Ahh, yes, it’s spring at last.
Of course, there are many of you who live for the snow and frigid weather. I am not a fan. At an assignment in late March, we awakened to five inches of heavy snow. Our rental cars were covered in it. Fortunately, one of the cars had a snow brush in it. It took a while to get the cars out of the hotel parking lot and onto the snow covered streets. Did I mention that it was cold standing outside getting to and from the vehicles? It absolutely was.
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178 – May, 2023
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