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Illinois: Hearings Tuesday Consider Mandatory Sterilization, Other Issues Impacting Dog Owners

On Tuesday, March 7, a number of bills are scheduled for hearings in Illinois impacting dog owners and all who breed dogs.  This includes a bill establishing mandatory genetic testing and sterilization of dogs with “genetic defects”, among other issues.

Illinois residents can make a valuable difference today by filling out a simple online witness slip for each bill listed. It will not take much time, but it could protect the future of your dogs and breeding programs.  Already this session we have seen hearings postponed in part by the number of witness slips you submitted.

Below are instructions on how to complete the online witness slip for some key bills prior to hearings on Tuesday, March 7, as well as information for contacting the sponsor and committee members:

Summary: This bill would require all dog breeders to genetically test their dogs for diseases “that cause early death or physical impairments”, and then sterilize any breeding dog that has a “genetic defect or mutation” that would cause early death or physical impairments.  AKC encourages and supports appropriate health testing for dogs and responsible breeding, but this bill is overly broad.  Requiring testing for any genetic defect that could potentially harm a dog is simply not possible with current available science.

It should also be noted that genetic and genomic testing is a relatively new tool in an extremely complex area of scientific investigation. Many commercially available tests lack consistent results, and offer little in the way of context or consulting for individuals, or with respect to breed population, modes of inheritance, or considerations for maintaining genetic diversity.  Similarly, mandating broad-based genetic testing and sterilization without fully understanding inheritance and population impacts could result in massive loss of the genetic diversity that helps keep breed populations healthy.

AKC instead recommends the expansion of consumer protection laws to hold those accountable selling dogs in the state.

How to Submit Witness Slips: Visit the House Agriculture and Conservation Committee hearing page and select the “Create Witness Slip” icon next to House Bill 3200 on the agenda.  Sign in opposition to the bill.

Contacting the Committee: Visit the committee member page to view individual names and contact information.  If you are a constituent, be sure to mention that when contacting the committee.

Summary: HB 1169 would allow dogs their own advocate in court for cruelty cases. While an amendment has been added to protect the legal status of animals as property, AKC and our state federation remained concerned (See previous alert).  This bill has been tabled twice in the committee due to concerns raised, and AKC GR thanks all who have taken the time to submit witness slips.  For those who have not yet done so, please take the time to submit a slip using the following instructions:

How to Submit Witness Slips: Visit the House Judiciary-Criminal Committee hearing page and select the “Create Witness Slip” icon next to HB 1169 from the agenda (page 2 on the agenda).  Sign in opposition to the bill.

Contacting the Committee: Visit the committee member page to view individual names and contact information.  If you are a constituent, be sure to mention that when contacting the committee.

  • House Bill 1049 – Preventing Breed Discrimination in Insurance Policies

Summary: HB 1049 would prevent insurance companies from denying, canceling, or raising premiums on renter’s or homeowner’s insurance based solely on the breed of dog owned by the policyholder.  AKC believes this bill is a good step in extending current laws prohibiting breed-specific laws to homeowners and renters who are responsible pet owners (Read AKC’s previous alert).  AKC thanks all who have taken the time to submit a witness slip on this bill.  For those who have not yet done so, please take the time to submit a slip using the following instructions:

How to Submit Witness Slips: Visit the House Insurance Committee hearing page and select the “Create Witness Slip” icon next to HB 1049 from the agenda.  Sign in support of the bill.

Contacting the CommitteeVisit the committee member page to view individual names and contact information.  If you are a constituent, be sure to mention that when contacting the committee.

These are highlights of the many bills scheduled for hearings on Tuesday, March 6 that are being monitored closely by AKC Government Relations and the Illinois Federation of Dog Clubs and Owners.  Updates will be provided as they become available.  For more information, contact AKC GR at doglaw@akc.org.

Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=258118

Posted by on Mar 4 2023. Filed under Current Articles, Featured, The Buzz. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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