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The Wicket

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320 – June, 2022

By Pamela K. Offutt, AKC Judge and Breeder 

I recently had occasion to be watching the Terrier judging at a show cluster. The Miniature Schnauzer entry was waiting ringside for the judge to complete Borders. The Scotties began arriving at ringside in force, as they were to follow the small entry of Miniature Schnauzers. I was admiring a very sharp looking Miniature Schnauzer and checked his armband number in my catalog to find that he was a four-year-old Grand Champion Dog Special. When my eyes returned to the Miniature Schnauzer, a Scottie had walked up and was standing next to him. Both dogs stood there like experienced show dogs, alert and ready to enter the ring.

The first thing I noticed about the Scottie was his lovely coat which appeared to be in excellent condition. Moving to better view the Scottie and see his armband number, I realized that the two dogs were of equal height. Having been breeding and exhibiting for most of my adult life and judging Scottish Terriers for nearly thirty years, I was quite aware of the significance of my observation. Knowing the Miniature Schnauzer Standard calls for disqualification of dogs under 12 inches or over 14 inches at the withers, meant the Scottie standing before me had to be at least 12 inches high.

Unfortunately, this observation did not shock me because it is becoming all too frequently seen in the Scottie ring. This Scottie turned out to be a three-year-old Grand Champion Dog Special. Upon further visual examination, he was not only very high, but appeared narrow. Looking down at him, he had no spring of rib and a straight front with no visible prosternum. Visually, this dog deviated from the Standard.

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320 – June, 2022

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