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Ageism In Our Sport and Valuing Our Elders

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292 – June, 2022

By William Given

“Get out of the way and let the younger members take over.”

This was said at a monthly meeting of the all-breed club of which I am a member. I found myself appalled that someone in our club would think like that and absolutely mortified they would have the audacity to express their feelings. The topic of ageism in our sport has sadly become one that begs to be addressed.

Ageism is a stereotype (how we think), a prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others based solely on age. Simply put, ageism, can best be described as an evaluative perspective that favors one age group (usually the younger) over others (usually older people) and attempts to justify discrimination against a particular age group that is assumed to be incapable of equal participation.

Stereotyping based on age is tremendously harmful in our society in general and in our sport–and given the current demographics, dangerous. The number of exhibitors 60 years of age and older continues to grow, but I fear the sport is not embracing our older population. Those who assume another individual is less able based on their age helps to keep ageism alive. Those who hold the belief and serve to advance it can have a great and detrimental impact on the lives of others. The intention to dictate the future of others is incredibly shortsighted and woefully unjust.

Ageism In Our Sport

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292 – June, 2022


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