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Wanted: Teachers For Newbies!

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286 – March, 2022

By Moira Terry

I have really exciting news! Dog sports are on the verge of thriving. How do I know this? Because every day, I come across posts and messages from people who are completely new to the sport, know nothing of dog shows, and are simply looking for a way to get started. When given positive, judgement-free platforms to ask questions, these people will bring immeasurable enthusiasm and appreciation.

Thousands of people want to learn more about competing in dog sports. This is not an assumption, it’s a fact. So, we wonder, why is it so difficult to get started? As a novice handler but self-appointed expert in being a newbie, here are a few thoughts.

There’s no roadmap to get started in dog sports, no step-by-step guide that really prepares a person for competition. We need to find the people who want to learn, invite them in, and show them the way. Preferably, we do this with grace and positivity. Person to person connection is as essential as the quality of the dog and training.

“Get a mentor” is not good advice for someone who asks about learning more about their chosen breed. “Your breeder is your best resource” can be an even worse response. Why? If people knew good resources for mentorship or had a good relationship with the breeder of their dog, they would not need to turn to random strangers on the internet for help getting started. I can attest that my first dogs to enter the show ring were very much pet quality, but I started with the dogs I could buy since purchasing a show dog is another huge barrier to entry. It was not until I was able to meet people at shows, while competing in my breed, that I was able to find breeder mentors capable of teaching and enthusiastic to help. Mentorship is absolutely essential, but telling someone to “get a mentor” is a whole lot easier than being a mentor. If you have expertise, learn to be a mentor or connect the newcomer with a quality mentor.

 Click here to read the complete article
286 – March, 2022

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