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Been There, Done That – Whimsy and Wisdom from the Dog Shows

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274 – March, 2022

By Elaine J. Lessig

1. Lunchtime Saturday – Topic at the judges’ table: NOHS

Thoughts: As the popularity has grown, so has the quality of the handlers and the dogs. The NOHS groups are strong and exciting to judge. To judge a regular conformation group, a judge must be approved for that group. Has the time come for the same requirement for NOHS?

2. Seen in and around the ring Saturday and Sunday: What New Breed Is This? Answer: Russian Toy!

With the opportunity to meet the newest member of the Toy Group, judges and exhibitors took the time to take a good look and ask questions of the exhibitors there on the weekend. Mentoring, especially when a new breed enters the ring, is invaluable. Interest and information shared is always good for a new breed and a great way to be introduced to the fancy. Fortunately, for those who took the time, they got a real education.

3. Around the Group ring Saturday and Sunday – Topic in the Judges’ Section: New judges and judges with large numbers of additional new breeds–beneficial or concerning?

The general concession was that the ring has become a bit more egalitarian. There are more judges to judge dogs. That results in providing exhibitors more choice in selecting judges to whom they can show a dog. Along with that comes differing opinions, perspectives, and awards.

4. Lunchtime on Sunday – Topic at the judges’ table: Size and quality of entries:

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274 – March, 2022

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