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Table Talk – March 28, 2018

I hope that everyone that went to the Tar Heel Circuit from Louisville or York is recovering! 9 or 10 shows in 14 days is so much to ask of our dogs (and our bodies). I have heard reports of some canine gastrointestinal issues and human upper respiratory “crud”. Unfortunately, the human “crud” caught yours truly and I’ve been slow moving for the last several days. A couple of folks have voiced concern that their dogs brought home a GI upset from Louisville the last couple of years, while others have indicated they had no problem. Some folks leave their dogs in the building overnight, while others bring their dogs in to show and then return them to their rigs. I wonder if the extended time in the building and/or using the public exercise pens is the differentiating factor between those who get the stomach bug and those who do not? I have often thought that, given all the different things being passed around these days, if we make a practice to disinfect the ground where we set up it might help fight off these pesky bugs.

Apparently, PETA threatened to wreak havoc at the York, Pennsylvania circuit. This is a tough situation for all of us in the sport as we do not want to allow these activists to interfere with our pastime, yet at the same time there is increased concern for the safety of our dogs. It may be a good idea to consider the instituting a buddy system at shows these days. Work with your set-up neighbors to keep an eye on each other’s dogs and each other’s set-ups: Vendors do this at shows, and perhaps exhibitors should do the same.

Apparently, exhibitors waited in line more than 24 hours prior to the building opening in Ft. Worth, Texas to ensure they got grooming space. This, in my opinion, puts increased stress on dogs and handlers as they have to sit and wait for grooming space. While it is a lot of work, I encourage clubs that have difficulty with grooming space to consider the free reserved grooming concept that the Kentuckiana cluster has adopted. Apparently, the Tar Heel circuit also suffered some issues with grooming this year.

I continue to be disappointed with the airlines for their lack of attention in the transportation of our dogs and, frankly, the humans who trust the airlines with their dogs’ safety. Personally, there is no win important enough to risk my dog’s safety by putting it (at risk) on an airplane. I hope that with the errors that have been made in recent weeks, those in the fancy will think very seriously before taking a chance and putting a dog on an airplane. If such travel is absolutely necessary, please take every precaution possible to ensure your dog’s safety. I still remember many years ago, the one time that Nina and I thought it was a good idea to fly our dog, we would NOT sit down before the airline personnel brought us the slip that certified our dog was on board. They were closing the doors, and the flight attendants told us we must sit or they could not close the doors. We told them we would sit down when we were notified our dog was safe. They threatened to call the police and have us removed. We said FINE! They brought us our slip, we sat down and off we went. That was it for me, my friends… I just cannot take the risk and I really cannot handle the stress. I also saw where a sturdy, metal airline crate that was being shipped empty arrived on the other end seriously damaged. One can only imagine what would have happened if there was a dog in that crate!

The 2018 AKC Point Schedule and modifications to the divisions is now available. Please go to for more information!

Huge congratulations to Dina Planche on her and her family’s induction into the LSU Mass Communication Hall of Fame! Dina, Richard, David and Doug Manship will be recognized at the annual Hall of Fame Gala on April 19th. All four will join the Hall of Fame for their role in carrying on the Manship media legacy that their grandfather Charles Manship, Sr. began in 1909.

It is Spring Break for many and with that comes spring travel! George Milutinovich is soaking up some sun in the Cayman Islands. Val Atkinson is off to Hawaii for a bit of R&R, and Bruce Schwartz is off on a trip to New Zealand. David Haddock is enjoying his spring break in Italy. Safe travels to all and enjoy!

Robin and Cindy Stansell have just returned from a judging trip to Hong Kong. Meanwhile, Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine is off to Beijing for her judging assignment there.

Positive thoughts are being sent to Pilar Kuhn who has had a delay in her final round of treatment. Keep up the positive attitude, my friend: YOU’VE GOT THIS, and we all have your back.

Healing thoughts to Martin Cabral who was in ICU in critical condition. I will update folks as soon as I hear how Martin is doing. Our thoughts are with Bev and his brother, Stephen, during this difficult time.

Sadly, the fancy has lost another legend. Betty Trainor passed away on March 22nd with her family at her side. Betty’s husband of 40 years, Bill, passed away in 1998.

I was saddened to hear about the sudden death of Stephen Hubbell after a fall. Our condolences go out to his wife, Christina, and the rest of the family. Steve will be sorely missed.

The Southern Handlers Charity League (SHCL) is once again gearing up for their big fundraiser at the Cottonland Cluster in Monroe, LA. If you would like to donate, or help with the fundraiser, please instant message David Williams on Facebook.

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Tad Brooks, Sandi McDonald, Kelly Shupp, Terri Myers, David Powers, Tim Thomas, Daniel Stutzman, Peggy McDill, Shelby Roberts, Stan Matsumoto, Susie DePew, and Kristyn Stout.

Wherever your travels take you this week, my friends, please be careful. Hug your pooches and offer a newbie some help! Until next time…

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