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Table Talk

It’s hard to believe that summer is more than half over! I am hoping for good weather in Canfield, Ohio this year… we shall see!

There have been so many tragic accidents as a result of the heat again this year. I am astounded to find the number of people that lack proper temperature detection devices in their vehicles. So, I thought it might help to give you a list of products that many exhibitors are using. The MarCell Cellular Temperature Monitoring System utilizes cellular frequency to transmit changes in temperature. This unit can be purchased through the website at Last I checked the unit itself was $229 and the monthly monitoring cost was about $8.50. There are many similar units out there these days at varied price points. There is also a less expensive unit that costs around $80 that can be purchased at This unit is normally used for refrigeration monitoring, but would be a great backup to one of the other temperature alert systems. These purchases can save the lives of your dogs. They cost less than a weekend’s worth of entries. No one attending shows in the summer heat should be without one!

Entries at the California shows last weekend may have been down a bit as many were attending the wedding of Bill McFadden’s oldest daughter, Taylor, to Patrick Haggerty. The ceremony and reception was held at Santa Clara University in San Jose. It was great to see many take the weekend off to celebrate this happy occasion with Bill and Taffe. Taylor and Patrick are off to Maui for their honeymoon and a special bonus is that Janice Hayes and her gorgeous significant other, Eric, are there vacationing at the same time!

I was happy to see that Lisa Bettis has returned to running left-handed circles. She’s back in the ring and winning a Red, White and Blue to boot! Welcome back Lisa!

Best wishes to Susie Sosne who has been struggling with an illness and continues to be hospitalized. Our thoughts are with Susie and Michael at this time.

There has been another reported outbreak of sick dogs that have been fed Taste of the Wild Dog Food. If your dog(s) have become ill, please contact the Office of Consumer Affairs as they have not yet issued a food recall and several dogs have reportedly become severely ill.

Congratulation to Carla Sanchez who once again became a grandmother with the birth of her grandson, Carter Joseph Daniel Sanchez.

Sadly, the wild fires near Santa Barbara claimed the guest house on Alex Geremia’s property. Fortunately all humans and animals were safe!

Beth Sweigart and Peter Green have been on holiday in Wales and England. We can’t wait to hear the details of their trip to Peter’s homeland.

It always interests me to learn about hidden talents possessed by folks in our dog show family. Roz Kramer has started a business making beautiful dog beds and decorative pillows. Her website can be found at She has done a couple of dog shows and I, for one, hope she does more!

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Glen Lajeski, Michelle Starry, Lisa Bettis, Roz Kramer, Lisa Miller (Roz and Lisa were born on the very same day!), Cheryl Paterson, Kevin Nieboer, Taffe McFadden and Susie Sosne.

Be careful out there my friends, and drop me a line about your trips, anniversaries, and other exciting happenings that you would like to share!

Until next time….

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Posted by on Aug 2 2017. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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