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Table Talk

Friends in the south continue to contend with a serious outbreak of what has been identified as the H3N2 virus. The virus started spreading at the shows in Perry, Georgia and there have been several reported cases stemming from the Deland, Florida shows and surrounding areas in the Southeastern U.S. This virus is highly contagious and vets and the American Kennel Club are asking people to PLEASE keep your dogs home if they are coughing or demonstrating other clinical signs of the virus which can include lethargy, snotty nose, and related symptoms. The virus has a 2-5 day incubation period and it is reported that the most contagious period is during the incubation period. This makes identification of the virus prior to exposing other dogs complicated. Judges have been asked to allow exhibitors to show their dog’s bite themselves to minimize the spread of the virus. (I personally feel this should be an AKC policy for all shows all the time). If a judge tries to examine your dog’s mouth, I encourage you to respectfully request that you show the bite yourself. If there is ANY doubt whether your dog has been infected, PLEASE stay home. Dogs are being infected all over the country because exhibitors are bringing sick dogs to the shows. PLEASE be considerate of others and do not bring sick dogs to the shows. Individuals were asked to leave the Louisiana shows this weekend because they had sick dogs on the premises. Cudos to the show committee there!

About 30 handlers, owner/handler exhibitors, breeders, etc. got together for a round table last night after Best In Show at the Mission Circuit in Pomona, CA. The purpose was to discuss how to improve the sport. The majority of attendees were handlers and their assistants. The AKC Executive Field Representatives were also in attendance as observers. Specifically, the goal of the group is to generate ideas to stimulate greater participation within the purebred dog community. Individuals were encouraged to come up with three ideas and reach out to their AKC Delegates with those ideas. The roundtable was streamed live on Facebook. I have shared it to my Facebook page for those who may be interested. Last I heard the live stream had over 3,000 views which is encouraging. It shows that our fancy IS interested in banding together to foster a positive effort to be a more inclusive sport, and to work together to improve the health of our industry. A Facebook page will be created to continue the dialogue and all are encouraged to participate. Stay tuned for more information. This is a positive way for the fancy to come together and generate positive action to improve the sport. Topics for discussion include encouraging new exhibitor participation, including people who may purchase a purebred show dog but are not interested in breeding, how to deal with dog legislation, and generally clearing a path for new exhibitors to be successful and have a positive experience.

Kudos to the Mission Circuit cluster committee for a job well done after another very successful cluster! This cluster continues to be exhibitor- and spectator-friendly and the venue is one of the best in the nation for hosting a dog show!

Continued thoughts and prayers are with Roxanne Hosaka who was in a terrible bicycle accident. I will keep everyone posted on her progress.

I was thrilled to hear that Ron Scott attended the Philadelphia Kennel Club meeting last week looking and acting like himself! We expect to see you at the shows soon Ron!

I heard that Mike & Linda Pitts’ home and kennel had a close call with a tornado. Luckily no one was hurt and there was no significant damage to their house and kennel. However, I was told that they lost some of the beautiful trees on their property and they are looking at a lot of cleanup from debris.

Happy 32nd wedding anniversary to Bill and Taffe McFadden. May there be another 32 great years to come!

Celebrating birthdays this week are David Daugherty, Lori Wilson-Paust, Greg Smith, Lynn Meyer, Jody Garcini, Guy Fisher, Kim Booth and Kellie Miller.

Wherever your travels take you over the next week, please be safe. Remember to be kind to your fellow exhibitors and give those pooches an extra hug. If you see a new exhibitor in your travels, be kind and offer help.

Until next time my friends….

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Posted by on May 31 2017. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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