Table Talk
Many thanks to Grace Fritz who dropped me a line regarding her judging experience last weekend in Waverly, Iowa. Grace reported that the host club did a wonderful job and it appeared that there was great sponsorship from local businesses. A fund-raising raffle was held which was very successful. Sadly, the weather was not as cooperative and those judging or exhibiting outdoors did so under 40 degree, windy, rainy conditions. They lost a tent on Sunday afternoon but everyone maintained good spirits! Patricia Nemirovsky de Alsina once again shared her opera singing talents and sang Don’t Cry for me Argentina to the show participants. It is good to hear that folks can still have a positive experience, even when the weather does not cooperate!
Thanks to Desi Murphy, I can share more show stats with you: This past Saturday there were 17 AKC All Breed Shows held throughout the country for a total of 10,992 entries. Looking at how those entries were divided, I cannot help but still be of the mind that there are just too many dog shows each weekend! How many 400 entry-or-less shows do we need? Let me know your thoughts.
Congratulations to Sydney Good who is celebrating her 40th anniversary with the American Kennel Club! She certainly is the most senior Executive Field Rep: I wonder if she is the most senior AKC employee????
Best wishes to Roxanne Hosaka as she recovers from serious injuries sustained in a terrible cycling accident this past week. She is in the hospital right now and hopefully can move to rehab soon. I will keep everyone posted on her status.
Celebrating a very special 86th Birthday this week is Larry Ward! Many, many, more Larry! Also celebrating birthdays this week are Mardee Ward-Fanning, Sharon Palmay, Erin Roberts, Burk Hughes, Olivia Hodgkinson, Ric Plaut, Christina Freitag and Mandy Giles.
I’m off to the Mission Circuit! If you are there, please stop by the Purina booth and say hi!
Have a safe and happy Memorial Day weekend and don’t forget to drop me a line with birthdays, anniversaries, trips, and any other scoop that you think our friends would like to hear!
Until next time my friends…
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