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Table Talk · November 18, 2020

I have read and heard a great deal of speculation from some dog fanciers who feel that COVID-19 cases amongst exhibitors are being “swept under the rug” for lack of a better term. I disagree.  I think those in the sport are doing the best job possible while dealing with very difficult circumstances.  I personally know of two confirmed exhibitor cases and in each case the club notified all individuals who were potentially infected as soon as they were made aware of the circumstances.  Fanciers are abiding by published COVID-19 guidelines, and if this continues, our dog shows will continue to be as safe or safer than a trip to the grocery store.  As Chris Berg said in our recent Table Talk Zoom segment (which you can find on Canine Chronicle TV), the most important thing to remember is to be truthful.  If you become symptomatic, get a test, and if positive please notify the show-giving club if you have recently been to a dog show.  If you are sick, stay home, and if you are at all uncomfortable with the guidelines set in place to keep everyone safe, please stay home.  The dog fancy as a community has once again demonstrated our adaptability.  Let’s keep it up and the shows will go on!!!!

The shows normally held in Columbus, Ohio this past weekend were relocated to the Royal Canin Ring in Wilmington, Ohio (the Roberts Centre) for this year only. This was due to the Ohio State Fairgrounds having issues related to the pandemic.  The entry was limited to 1200 dogs and it was show and go.  The cluster did a terrific job of requiring grooming setups to be removed after exhibitors showed their dogs in order to allow everyone to have indoor grooming space to prepare their dogs for the ring (minus the force dryers, of course).  I am told the MB-F show superintendent inadvertently accepted too many entries and had to return almost 300 entries.  Sadly, the superintendent allegedly kept the $4.25 online entry fee for those online entries that were mistakenly accepted.  If this is true, it is my sincere hope that this was an error and that MB-F will refund this fee to the exhibitors whose entries were not accepted.  Stay tuned for more information!

One of the most convenient places to eat while attending shows at the Roberts Centre is Max and Erma’s restaurant.  Several exhibitors and judges supposedly became ill after eating at Max and Erma’s this past weekend.  Unfortunately, this is not the first time this has occurred, but we do not know that any of these illnesses were caused by eating at this restaurant.  I hope that everyone is feeling better!  Food poisoning is no fun at all!

A message to those who are planning to attend the Thanksgiving Cluster in Massachusetts: please note that the venue will NOT be collecting COVID-19 test results.  Data will be collected via the Travel Advisory Form that all exhibitors are asked to complete. These forms are not collected by the venue.  Each exhibitor WILL be required to turn in a waiver form at Gate 1 upon entering the facility the first time only.  Please make sure to have that waiver form completed and signed when pulling into the facility upon your arrival.

Rhonda Cassidy’s new book is on its way to the printer!!!!!  Anyone interested in obtaining a copy should send a private message to Rhonda.

Positive thoughts go out to Linda Clark and her husband, Ross, as he undergoes open heart surgery this week.  We are thinking about you and we wish you a speedy recovery, Ross!

Pam Bruce is dealing with some health challenges. Pam will be having surgery this week and she needs our positive thoughts.

It is with great sadness that I report Terrier Fancier Bob Jordan passed away after a short, non-COVID-related illness.  He was a well-known terrier handler.  He recently married Georgia McRae of Brisline Airedales, and they had a wonderful life together.  Our thoughts and prayers go out to Bob’s family and friends.  He will be sorely missed by the fancy.

Long-time AKC judge Beth Speich has passed away.  Beth was loved and respected by all who had the pleasure of knowing her and she will be sorely missed.  Our condolences to her family and friends.

When Jane Myers left her successful handling career and moved across the country to become an AKC Executive Field Representative a few years back, I am sure she was not planning to take a job at Amazon.  However, in true survivor fashion, Jane–one of the field representatives who has not yet been called back to work–has begun a new career at the retailing behemoth.  Best of luck in your new career, Jane.  We all hope to see you back at shows real soon!

Happy anniversary to Courtney and William Bastian!  I hope you are enjoying your new life out in Montana.

Celebrating birthdays this week are: Sydney Good, Phil Booth, Mark Bettis, Jessica David-Tauber, Glenn Lycan, Eric Liebes, Michelle Abati, Jason Hoke, Linda Rowley, Don Gillette, Carla Link and Ray Harrington.  I hope each and every one of you are able to do something fun and fulfilling for your special day!

My thought for this week is:  It is not what we have in life, but who we have in our life that really matters!

Be safe and stay well my friends!  I cannot wait to see everyone in Orlando!  Until next time…

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Posted by on Nov 18 2020. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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