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Table Talk · May 29, 2024

One of the things I love most about my job(s) is they allow me to continue to learn about something I am passionate about!  Regardless of how long we have been in dogs, there is always something to learn, and everyone should realize we can only improve by taking advantage of every opportunity to expand our knowledge.  In fact, we should occasionally ask ourselves, “what have I learned lately?” If the answer is “nothing,” look for a learning opportunity!  This can range from acquainting yourself with rules and regulations you are not otherwise familiar with to learning about breeds of which you are unfamiliar.

My travels last week took me to the Dachshund Club of America National Specialty.  Dachshunds are a breed that I have not had much exposure to, and I was grateful for the opportunity to soak up some Dachshund knowledge!  The club did a wonderful job hosting two Regional Specialties leading up to what was a lovely National Specialty.  I really like their approach to selecting the Inter-Variety Judge:  A name is drawn from the three variety judges, one for the Regular Inter-Variety and one for the Owner-Handled Inter-Variety.  I was also very impressed with their Junior Showmanship participation that had an entry of fifteen!  Wow!

I’ve had several conversations recently with exhibitors expressing their frustration with judging results.  In most cases, individuals are attributing their loss to many factors, but none of them have to do with their dog.  I think exhibitors should spend more time focusing on their dog. Here are some introspective questions to ask.

1.  Is my dog in the best possible condition?

2. How does my dog compare to the breed standard?

3. Am I presenting my dog in a manner that makes it look the best and emphasizes its virtues?

If you are unable to answer these questions, seek assistance from others. You are not doing yourself or your dog any favors by making excuses.

A reminder to all Sweepstakes judges!  The rules have been revised and now individuals judging sweepstakes at a specialty show that is conjunction with an All-Breed show are only prevented from showing in that specific breed on that specific day.  Please remember, however, that multi-day specialties continue to exclude the individual who judges sweepstakes from exhibiting in the regular classes.

Speaking of specialties, I’d like to remind everyone that specialty win results and NOHS results on caninechronicle.com are self-reported.  Please send an email with your photograph, name of the specialty or NOHS event, location, name of judge, name of dog, owners, breeders, and handler to showresults@caninechronicle.com.  Please note that it can take 48-72 hours for these results to be posted on our website.

The 2023 Westminster Kennel Club Best In Show winner has returned to the UK after a whirlwind stay in the United States.  “Buddy Holly’s” United States career was cut short when he went Best In Show at Westminster in 2023. Buddy and Janice Hayes spent the last year serving as amazing ambassadors for the PBGV breed AND the sport of purebred dogs!  Thank you to Buddy and Janice for your amazing efforts on behalf of the sport.  Hang in there, Janice. I know that sending Buddy back had to be one of the most difficult things you have ever done!

A heads-up to all fanciers planning on RV’ing at the Blue Grass Classic Cluster at the Kentucky Horse Park:  You must reserve your RV spot by contacting the Horse Park directly at 859-259-4257 (select option 2).  Reservations will not be accepted any other way!

I would like to give a huge shout-out to the Golden Retriever Club of America for their excellent response to a Golden-Doodle breeder.  Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all breeders of purebred dogs!

Deepest sympathies to Lois DeMers who recently lost her brother.  As Lois so eloquently stated:  Remember, that tomorrow is never promised.  “We must Live Like You Are Dying” Tim McGraw. 

Sadly, Julie Mueller lost her mother, Arlene Mueller, last week.  Julie, we are all thinking about you at this most difficult time.  Rest In Peace, Arlene.

Sara Congleton tore her ACL and will be having surgery within the next week.  Her recovery is expected to be 6-8 weeks.  Anyone that knows Sarah understands that lying around is not in her wheelhouse, so if you have a minute to reach out to her, please do!  She is also looking for book recommendations, so all of you bookworms please send Sara some suggestions!

Best wishes to our Canadian friend, Shawn Nichols, who is relocating back to Vancouver.  With a busy travel schedule including judging assignments at Westminster Kennel Club and the Sydney Royal in Australia, relocation can be a real challenge!  You’ve got this, my friend!

Happy Anniversary wishes to Blair and Giuseppe Commisso and Gabriel and Ivonne Rangel!  May you lovebirds enjoy many more years of happiness ahead.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays include:  Lisa Croft-Elliott, Gay Glazbrook, Kim Flanagan, Amanda Giles, Olivia Hodgkinson, Alexis Jones, Kat Moyer, Jake Haycock, David Daugherty, Lori Wilson-Paust, Chris Keith, Pam Laperruque, Greg Smith, Kim Booth, Jody Paquette, Guy Fisher, Nikkie Kinziger-Francois and Jennifer Hoffman.  Best wishes for a fantastic year ahead!

Another gentle reminder to everyone as temperatures start to rise with advent of summer:  if you are going to leave your rigs, even though you have a generator running or are plugged in to shore power, please leave windows/vents open! Power fails, generators fail, and even temperature monitors can let us down.  Be safe and be cautious. It might save your dogs’ lives.

I am looking forward to a GREAT time at Woofstock!  Be sure to stop by the “Old Coot’s Booth” and ask a question…I’m sure all that cannot make it would love to hear your question, and the answer, via Table Talk Live!!!!  Let’s make the Table Talk Live! coverage EPIC for those at home that cannot join us!

Be safe in your travels, my friends!  I will see you soon down the road.  Until next time…

Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=288848

Posted by on May 29 2024. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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