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Table Talk · May 1, 2024


Two breeds near and dear to my heart held their National Specialty this past week.  I was able to attend the Poodle Club of America (PCA) National at Purina Farms (and hope to be able to attend the American Whippet Club National next year).  This year’s entry at both Nationals was very impressive, with the Whippet National once again breaking entry records.  I sincerely believe the reason both clubs continue their run of success with very impressive entries is because they have great management.

PCA does an exceptional job with fundraising, too.  This year they raised over $13,000 for the Junior Education fund.  The PCA Junior Program attracts participants like no other club I have ever seen!  This year 16 Juniors participated in the educational program.  The Junior participation and programs offered are a testament to the hard work of Gina Weiser and her dedicated team of volunteers who work tirelessly throughout the year to ensure not only great fundraising to keep the program going, but great education and interactive events for the kids.  Kudos to one and all for your investment in our sport’s future! A special thank you to Allison Alexander who so generously donated one of her Poodle University courses to EVERY Junior who attended the program at this year’s National.

I was extremely impressed to see a post from the Marriott Meadowview in Kingsport, Tennessee thanking the American Whippet Club for being such great guests and acknowledging the club volunteers for being such a great group to work with before and during this event!  The post read:

On behalf of our staff at the Meadowview Marriott and the city of Kingsport, thank you all!!

It was an absolute pleasure serving you as your event manager this year.  I really hope we have the honor again in the near future.  It was great to know and work with so many wonderful people this week, and for that I am so grateful.  From your outstanding staff, dedicated volunteers, and delightful attendees, the AWC is nothing short of exceptional from top to bottom.

I have watched the AWC National Specialty page, and I can only imagine how much work went into hosting this event!  With an entry of over 700, these folks know how to put on a National!  Congratulations to Debbie Davenport who made the Whippet Community proud as she sorted through the record-breaking conformation entry!

I strongly encourage those Parent Clubs struggling with their National to reach out to folks involved with the Poodle Club of America National and the American Whippet Club National for tips and advice.

Many fanciers are making final plans to make the annual trip to New York for the Westminster Kennel Club dog show.  I am once again honored to be able to bring you Table Talk Live! coverage from Westminster!  Please be sure to reach out to me at if your travels will take you to Westminster. I would love to consider including you in our coverage!  I am very excited to be able to bring you a “sneak peek” of the Museum Of The Dog Immersive Exhibit which will be onsite at the Billie Jean Tennis Center.  Please don’t forget the Barks and Bubbles fundraising event for Museum of the Dog being held at the Tennis Center Monday from 4-6 PM.  For more information and tickets, you can go to

Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine and the family of Sandy McIlwaine recently held a celebration of Sandy’s life at their home in Michigan.  The celebration was very well-attended and Peggy really appreciated all that helped celebrate her husband’s life.

I was happy to hear that after twelve long days of hospitalization, Kim Lourier is home!  Healing thoughts to you, Kim.  We cannot wait to have you back at shows (and I am SURE you are chomping at the bit!!)

Happy Anniversary to Devon Kipp-Levy and Adam Levy.  Best wishes for many more healthy, happy, successful years ahead for you two lovebirds!!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week include Kris Benoit, Grace Fritz, George Milutinovich, Lexie Ditlow, Alissa Welling, Kimberly Meredith, Krista Musil, Doug Johnson, Brianna Bischoff, Paula Fultz and Cassandra Clark.  Cheers and wishes for a great year ahead filled with blue ribbons and beautiful canines.

This week I will close with words of wisdom from Andrew Brace:

“The reality is that the really great dogs are not necessarily those who possess one extreme eye-catching feature, but those who are so perfectly balanced and correctly constructed that everything fits and flows, no one aspect of the dog overshadowing the whole.  These are dogs who draw the eye by virtue of their overall picture and their classic type; furthermore these are the dogs who are more likely to contribute to their breed’s progress.”

As Laura King so accurately stated:  Sometimes there is no “Dunning Kruger effect” —- sometimes the dogs that win repeatedly are actually really good dogs!!

Be safe out there my friends!  If your travels take you to the Beehive Cluster in Utah, please be sure to stop by the Pro Plan© booth and see me!  I will have the most recent issue of The Canine Chronicle if you would like to pick up a copy!  See you soon!!!  Until next time…

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