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Table Talk · June 28, 2023

Table Talk · June 28, 2023


At the AKC Delegates meeting held in June, the Delegate body voted to amend Article VI, Section 6 of the Charter and Bylaws to allow AKC Delegates who are also AKC judges to charge a fee above and beyond expenses. This proposal had come before the Delegate body before, but it didn’t have enough votes to pass. Clubs who have contracts with judges who are also AKC Delegates may want to check with those individuals so there is no misunderstanding about contracts, terms, etc. I know of a few judges who are going to honor those contracts that have been signed, and not charge a fee above expenses, but contracts going forward will have a fee included. Many judges are already working with clubs who are facing financial difficulty by reducing their fee. In my opinion, this revision is a good thing.

As I have mentioned in the past, I am encouraged by the AKC’s recertification process. The phased implementation will eventually reach all judges. My thoughts are that the very individuals who need this process the most are the ones that are perturbed by it. Frankly, I do not know of any professional organization that does not require some type of continuing education or recertification of its judges or members. The AKC is trying to ensure that those hired to adjudicate at shows are prepared to do the job. The process provides judges with ample access to the information necessary to pass the re-certification exam, and in the event that one does not pass, it provides a comprehensive review process for them to discuss what they got wrong. An individual can take the exam three times. My feelings are that this is too lenient  In my humble opinion, this process should be looked upon as a learning opportunity!

Time and time again I discuss the need to show kindness and support new people entering our sport.  My heart is full reading posts from Konner Wayne–a severely handicapped young man from Mississippi–talking about his most wonderful experiences at dog shows! Konner was given Best In Show ribbons and offered photo opportunities with Peter Pan from Paul Catterson and Patti Keenan. He has been allowed to show Bekki Pina’s and Ken Smith’s Bergamasco. He has been welcomed to the shows with love, support and respect. Konner Wayne, welcome to the sport! I am sure that you are going to make us all proud!!!!  A note to all: Konner has offered to provide training opportunities to those who may have a dog that is intimidated by a power-driven chair!

I heard that Terri Myers visited Stan Flowers recently. She reports that Stan is doing well. He’s getting around a bit slowly but doing fine! He misses Jane terribly but the good news is he has great friends like Terri checking in on him.

Mike Kurtzner and his beagle, Nick, are recovering from some bruises and cuts as they were attacked by a Pit Bull in Mike’s driveway. In true Mike fashion he tried to protect Nick and was injured in the process. Mike and Nick will be back in the ring soon! Hang in there, my friend!

This past week was another tough one for our sport. We lost two judges who were favorites of so many. Jim Ham has passed away. I met Jim back in my obedience days. He was always kind and patient. Jim was very proud of his approval to judge obedience AND conformation. Jim began his judging career in 1984.  He was always encouraging and supportive to all exhibitors.  He received the Lifetime Achievement Award for Companion events in 2011 and that Award meant the world to him.  He will be missed by all who knew him.

I was deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Anne Katona. Reading all of the stories from Anne’s friends and colleagues reminds me of how much she was loved by our community.  Our most sincere sympathies to Jack, her husband of more than 50 years, and the rest of her family.  Rest well my friend.  You will be forever remembered in our hearts.

The Olivera’s took a much-needed break and are vacationing in Greece! The photos of Jorge, Susie and Jordan are simply stunning. To say I am jealous is an understatement. Safe travels home, my friends!

Celebrating anniversaries this week are Mark and Tabatha Bettis and Lynn Meyer and Michael Allway. May you have another great year of prosperity, love, and adventure.

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are:  Rachel Corbin, Cassidy Hayes, David Haddock, Sulie Greendale-Paveza, Anita O’Berg, Cully Leck, Angela Booth, Josh Desrosiers, Greg McCarthy, Robin Greenslade, Maripi Wooldridge, Marietta Singleton, Bruce Schwartz, Lisa Porter, Terri Galle, Victoria Cornish, George Marquis, Tracy Szaras and Ashlie Whitmore. May you each have another great trip around the sun!

Please remember this, my friends:  When something bad happens, you have three choices:  You can let it define you, you can let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you!!!!

Be safe in your travels. For those starting the Texas march in Oklahoma this coming weekend, please pace yourselves! Remember, it is a marathon, not a sprint!  I’ll see you on the backside of your trek in Houston! Until next time…

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