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Table Talk · June 24, 2020

To all the dads out there, I hope that you enjoyed what was probably the first Fathers Days at home in many years.  If you are anything like me, you have found some silver lining in the “Corona Break”.  Being able to spend a family holiday, birthday or anniversary at home, working on delayed home improvement projects or, in my case, planting your first garden.

Many have realized what they are missing at home and have been thankful for a bit of extra time to enjoy it.  That being said, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing, and we all are anxious to get back to what we love:  Dog Shows!!!

I hope that many of you are taking advantage of some of your down time to expand your knowledge base by learning about different breeds utilizing the virtual learning that The Canine Chronicle and others are offering via the web.  All of the Facebook Live programs that The Canine Chronicle have produced are available at

In a few days, many of you will be heading out for the first time in several months to attend a dog show. The Learning Cluster of Dog Shows in Guthrie, Oklahoma begins this coming Saturday.  An incredible amount of effort went into making this cluster happen, so those of you who are able to attend should take the opportunity to thank Terry James, the members of the Southern Handler’s Charity League, and other show organizers for all of their efforts on behalf of the fancy.

I am sorry that I cannot be there to celebrate our first dog shows since mid-March and welcome back fanciers, but I will be there in spirit.  In celebration of our first show, I will be doing some remote Table Talk segments leading up to the show.  My biggest disappointment of not being able to attend is the opportunity to see my extended family.  I wish you all the best of luck!  Be kind to each other and keep an eye out for something you can do to help facilitate a smooth-running cluster!

The River City Shows to be held in July in San Antonio, TX have been relocated to two adjacent buildings due to the fact that the building they normally use for the shows is unavailable.

Entries for the Steel Valley Cluster being held July 30-August 2, 2020 in Canfield, Ohio are open.  The premium list can be found on the Infodog website at  There is not a limited entry for these shows.


Entries for the Western Ohio Summer Cluster scheduled for August 14-16 in Lima, Ohio will open July 1.  The entry limit is 1250, and if you entered the original June shows, your entries have been transferred to the new show unless you sent in written cancellation.  The revised premium list will be available at on July 1.

The Hickories Circuit has been rescheduled for September 10-13 and they have relocated to Whitney Point Fairgrounds in Whitney Point, New York.  They have limited their show to 1000 entries and entries open on August 12th.

Correy and Sarah Krickeberg will be hosting the Kuvasz National at their property in Yorkville, Illinois at the beginning of September.  Congratulations to Sarah and the National Specialty committee for your perseverance and creativity to keep your 2020 National alive!

It is so encouraging to think that folks actually need to once again mark their calendars for show opening and closing dates!  Once again, we have proven that the fancy can adapt, and will band together to keep our sport alive and prosperous.

Morris & Essex, the last remaining show of the cluster that includes Devon, Hatboro, and Montgomery County, has announced that they are postponing their show until October 6, 2021.  2021 is shaping up to be quite a busy year!  Let us all use the remainder of 2020 to warm up for the greatest year yet!

While entries for the AKC Virtual Dog Show have closed, the closing date for the International Heart Classic Virtual Dog Show has been extended to July 4th with videos due July 5th.  To enter, go to  You can find the list of judges on our site at 

Best wishes for a speedy recovery to show photographer and Dalmatian fancier Rob Skibinski who is healing from hand surgery.  You will be as good as new when shows resume in our area in a few short weeks!

Many of you have enjoyed the videos that Elizabeth Salewsky and her dog Crom have been doing to make us laugh and keep the humor during these challenging times!  If you have not taken the time to watch Cromicles Scenes, and the Canine Chronicle Terminology videos they have done, I strongly suggest you do so!  You can find all the scenes on the Canine Chronicle Facebook page, Canine Chronicle TV, or the Cromicles Facebook page!  There are a limited number of T-Shirts available to commemorate this humorous occasion.  If you are interested in ordering a t-shirt, please go to

Celebrating wedding anniversaries this week are Tabatha and Mark Bettis and Allan and Thora Brown.  Happy Anniversary, my friends.  May you have many more happy, healthy years ahead.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Jorge Olivera, Jim Frederiksen, Perry Payson, Mary Norton, Joan Katz, Sulie Paveza, Cassidy Hayes, David Haddock and Anita O’Berg.  A very happy birthday to each of you and may you enjoy some of your favorite things on your special day.

2020:  The year we went from ‘when is the closing date’, to ‘when is the opening date?!?!?’  Be safe out there, my friends, and I WILL see you very soon down the road!  Until next time….


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