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Table Talk · February 2, 2022

At the January, 2022 AKC Board of Directors meeting, the Board approved a change in the limited number of events policy. Starting with the 2022 calendar year, local conformation specialty clubs can hold four shows per year. Previously, these clubs were limited to two shows or two days of shows per year. This change provides clubs more flexibility for clubs to hold their shows in the way that best benefits each club. Beyond the four shows, specialty clubs can still hold up to four designated specialties and may hold one additional show to join their national specialty. There is no limit on the number of events a national club can hold. Hopefully, this new policy will help clubs who were unable to hold their specialties due to COVID!

There have been a few issues with judges leaving shows prior to completing their Owner/Handled group assignments. In the cases that I know of the judges were not aware of the Owner/Handled group assignments they were supposed to do. This issue may be avoided by clubs making sure to remind judges of their Owner/Handled group assignment at the beginning of the show day. It seems while some of the assignments are outlined in the judge’s contracts, this is not always the case. Editor’s Note: One other thought is for judges to review the premium list each day to make sure they are aware of their schedule for that day so they can complete it without any issues.


The crazy weather was a challenge for some fanciers this past weekend. On the West Coast, the Toy Dog show in Surprise, Arizona had to be cancelled on Friday due to very high winds. Hard working volunteers worked diligently to clean up the mess, and the All Breed shows went on as scheduled for the weekend.

Those who attended the shows in Ocala, Florida this past weekend definitely benefited from their winter clothing! With temperatures in the low 20s and a “hard freeze warning”, exhibitors and judges were challenged to stay warm on Sunday.

Those planning on attending the Indy Winter Classic this coming weekend should keep their eye on the club’s Facebook page for any weather updates that may affect the shows. As of now, there are no update to mention, but the Club will keep exhibitors informed of any weather impact on the shows with updates to their Facebook page; and we will do our best to keep fanciers apprised on the Canine Chronicle Facebook page and website.

Both the Monroe Kennel Club and the Saginaw Valley Kennel Club in Michigan are looking for new members! If you live in or near the area and are looking for a club to join, here are two terrific options for you! These are both great clubs, but they need volunteers to keep their shows going!

I hear the Apple Valley Kennel Club has a change of venue for this year. Their shows, which will be held April 8, 9 and 10, will be at the Victor Valley College Soccer Fields. The club is looking for volunteers to help out at their shows. Please assist them if you can!

I heard great news about CJ Favre’s better half! Lisa is home from the hospital. She is continuing to recuperate from her open-heart surgery and improving every day. Thanks to everyone for your healing thoughts, and for reaching out to CJ. Once again, those in our sport have proven to be very supportive.

Susan Bleckley is home recovering from surgery to remove hardware from her left foot and her right leg. Some of you may remember the horrible airplane crash that she was in a couple years back, and at that time Susan was told she would not walk again. In true Susan fashion, she proved everyone wrong, as she has been showing dogs. Her goal, however, is to actually run with a dog again, and I have no doubt that she will succeed.

Jeff Pepper got the all-clear to travel from his doctor, and I hear he is not wasting any time! Jeff will be going to Tanzania with Kim and Angela Booth on February 14th for a safari! Have a great time, my friends. I cannot wait to see the photos.

Congratulations to Kristyn and David Stout! Their family will be growing by two more human legs this coming June. I’m sure Derek will be the best big brother ever!

Happy Anniversary to Bruce and Tara Schultz! Here’s to many more happy, healthy, love-filled years ahead.

Celebrating birthdays this week are Julia Kinsey, Sharon Carvalho, Liz Hansen, Chris Ann Moore, Katie Bernardin, Erin Hall and Chris Margeson.

Using the theme of our weather-challenged months, I leave you with this week’s thought of the week:  Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain!

Be safe out there, my friends. Please don’t forget to lend a hand wherever possible and thank those hard-working volunteers that keep our shows going.  Until next time…

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