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Table Talk · February 10, 2021

I must admit that I have been a bit “off” the past couple of days, and I could not put my finger on the reason why!  I then began to see the many Westminster-related posts on Facebook and realized:  THAT’S IT!  This is the first time in as long as I can remember that I did not spend the past weekend in the Big Apple. I am not rushing around trying to get all of my outfits ready, working feverishly on Table Talk Live! segment outlines for New York, etc.  It occurred to me today that I will actually be home for Valentine’s Day, so I will make the best of it and try to enjoy Valentine’s Day with my dearly beloved.  For others experiencing Westminster withdrawal, there is plenty of content on social media to keep us all entertained and remind you of great times from the past!  This year’s show at Lyndhurst in June will certainly be different, but we will all go with an open mind and try to make it the best it can be.  No doubt, everyone will look forward to returning to the Big Apple in 2022!

At long last, it appears that the first major cluster in California will occur in March!  The Shasta Kennel Club will hold its shows March 18-21 at the Shasta District Fairgrounds in Andersen, California.  Entries for these shows have opened! The Kennel Club has stated that in the event they are required to cancel their shows, they will refund a minimum of 30% of the entry fees.  The following week, San Mateo will hold its shows from March 25-28 at the same venue.  RV parking will be available for the three days in between these circuits for a reduced rate.  For those needing to empty their RV tanks, there are two dump sites located at the venue.  With both clusters holding their shows consecutively at the same venue, it offers exhibitors the opportunity to attend 8 shows in 11 days!  Congratulations to one and all for your hard work to make these shows happen!  Most importantly, congratulations to all of our California friends who will FINALLY be able to attend a show that is not thousands of miles from home!  I hope to see you all out in California soon!

Let’s give a salute to the Greater Barrington Kennel Club for holding a terrific set of shows this past weekend!  All exhibitors and judges have given huge accolades to all involved for a job well done!

The fancy has also been very vocal in showing huge appreciation to those involved in last week’s Ft. Lauderdale shows which were held at the Ocala showgrounds.  Many said that they felt safer at those shows than they do at the grocery store!  Saturday’s show was cancelled after three groups due to bad weather–including bad storms and tornado warnings–but besides that, the shows came off without a hitch! It takes a village, and we are lucky that this village exists ten times over within our fancy.  Way to go, and thank you to all involved!

Congratulations to the Krickeberg family on their official adoption of Spring!  After a very long road, Correy and Sarah have officially adopted their daughter, Spring Krickeberg!  Best wishes to all of you; and we hope you have a long, happy, healthy life ahead!

We were told that Dr. John Reeve-Newson recently received the Ontario Veterinary Medical Association Golden Life Membership award for 2021.  Well done, Dr. John!  We are all very proud of you!

Did you hear the news? Jamie Hubbard who is now a US citizen!  Jamie’s official ceremony granting him citizenship was held this past week.

Afghan Hound fancier Gary Sinck is in a nursing home suffering from catastrophic depression, and he would benefit greatly by receiving cards from friends and fanciers.  For those interested in sending Gary a card, please mail them to:  Gary Sinck, Sienna Woods, 6125 N. Main Street, Dayton, OH 45415.

Happy Anniversary to Ken and Virginia Murray.  May you two enjoy many more years of joy together.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Jamie Clute, Jackie Beaudoin, Larry Cornelius, Dot Izmirlian, Janet Harner, Allan Brown, Erika Busby, Heidi Hartman, Michelle Michael, Jere Marder, Beth Blankenship and Susan Sprung.  May you all enjoy some of the finer things on your special day!

I leave you with this thought for the week:  Every day may not be good… but there’s something good in every day (thanks Jane Myers!)

Be safe out there my friends!  I look forward to seeing all of you soon!  Until next time…

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