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Table Talk · December 29, 2021


For many, this year’s break is shorter than usual since Orlando was held a week later. I hope that everyone will be able to take some time and re-charge, spend time with family and friends, and let your dogs run around and just be dogs!!!

At the December AKC delegate meeting, the split in the Bred By Exhibitor Class was approved.  Effective with events after March 29, 2022, clubs will have the option of splitting the BBE class between puppies and adults. Please note, this is a class split that is optional for clubs. Those clubs wishing to split the BBE class will be able to designate puppies under 12 months old and dogs 12 months and older. In my humble opinion, this is a great opportunity for breeders to show their less mature dogs in the BBE class and be competitive.

The AKC recently announced they hired another AKC Executive Field Rep. Congratulations to Camile Bakker, who lives in Northern California and will be covering that area! Camille’s training will begin shortly. When you see her, be sure to welcome her to her new post!

AKC Field Rep Diana Wilson started her holiday break quite literally! Unfortunately, Diana broke her leg while taking out the garbage. She’ll be having surgery this week to fix her leg and then return home to recover and rehab for several weeks. Take it easy my friend! We look forward to having you back at shows soon!

I am deeply saddened to report the passing of young Pacific Northwest dog show exhibitor Jamie Smith. Jamie was only 23 years old and died in a tragic accident. Jamie was very active in the 4-H program, and she was loved by all who had the pleasure of knowing her. Our sympathies to Jamie’s family and friends at this most difficult time.

I am excited to report that Melinda Lyon is HOME from rehab! Melinda, you are an inspiration of determination and positive attitude! Nice work! I cannot wait to see you in Louisville in March!

Handler Rhanda Glenn has some big changes for 2022! She will be relocating to Kansas to move in with her significant other, and she’ll be returning to her “farmer roots”!!  Anyone who knows Rhanda knows how much she loves her horses, and this move includes more time with cattle and horses, and less time handling. Rhanda, we will miss seeing you regularly, but we are so very happy for you. Here is hoping we still see you at the occasional dog show!

The Kennel Club of Palm Springs recently announced that they extended a couple of the grooming tents to allow for more reserved grooming spots. They will be pulling from their original list. If you are one of the lucky exhibitors to score one of these spots, you will be notified by the club! The first “wave” of waiting list reservation invites was sent on Monday, and the second “wave” will be sent Wednesday. Stephen Cabral asks that those receiving waiting list invites respond as soon as possible so they can move on to the next person.

The Brazoria Kennel Club has moved their dates and venue because the club lost their original show grounds. The show will now be held January 22-23, 2022 at the Crosby, Texas Fairgrounds in the Rodeo Arena.

Dog Show Photographers Kim and Angela Booth have begun their annual African Photo Safari with several other fanciers! This trip has been much anticipated due to a COVID-related cancellation. Have fun, my friends! I can’t wait to see the pictures!

Happy Anniversary to Erin and Rob Hall. May you two lovebirds celebrate many more happy, love-filled years!

Fanciers celebrating birthdays this week are: Matt Chumbley, Bobby Schoenfeld, Jessica DiPerna, Jonathan Herbert, Julie Lindquist, Debbie Davenport, Andrea Glassford, Melanie Steele, Jason McIlwaine, Guy Fisher, Lisa Arnett, and Beth Gray Harper.

In the spirit of the holiday break, I leave you with my thought for the week (thanks to Kimberly Meredith):

Let Yourself Rest! If you’re exhausted, rest.  If you don’t feel like starting a new project, don’t.  If you don’t feel the urge to make something new, just rest in the beauty of the old, the familiar, the known. If you don’t feel like talking, stay silent. If you’re fed up with the news, turn it off. If you want to postpone something until tomorrow, do it. If you want to do nothing, let yourself do nothing today. Feel the fullness of the emptiness, the vastness of the silence, the sheer life in your unproductive moments. Time does not always need to be filled. You are enough, simply in your being.

Happy New Year to All!  Be safe and enjoy the moment!  Until next time…


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