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Table Talk · August 12, 2020

Things are getting closer and closer to seeming, well, normal!  For the past several months Wednesday was just another day of the week, and if you are anything like me, you really were not sure what day it was!  Rest assured, it was the day after yesterday and the day before tomorrow, but what day was it REALLY???

Since the beginning of the year, Wednesdays have been different for me.  I stopped actively campaigning dogs at the beginning of this year and it really took some getting used to waking up on Wednesday morning and not having to grab for my phone or computer to do entries! Since mid-March, we were all in the same boat.  No need to make sure to get those entries in before the noon cutoff on Wednesday.  Well, my friends, our Wednesdays seem to be returning to normal, with a little chaos thrown in for good measure!  Everyone is well-versed about ‘what’ shows open and ‘when’ with phone or computer in hand at the appropriate day and time.  It seems exhibitors may have overloaded a website or two!

It has made my heart happy to see all of my friends once again clamoring to get those entries in for the next show!  I have heard several folks who are a bit overwhelmed with navigating the “opening date” concept due to the limited entry at many shows.  However, I’m sure you all join me in being happy to have that problem!!!

With shows happening more consistently, the sport continues to consistently follow health and safety guidelines with diligence.  It is because of this that we are gaining traction as more shows come online.  Another huge congratulations to everyone in the sport, and all of those hard working show chairs and club volunteers who are trying so hard to get their shows off the ground.  To date, I have not heard of anyone testing positive for COVID-19, and I know many exhibitors who get tested a few days after each cluster they attend.  I went today for my COVID test, one week after returning from Canfield.  Stay tuned for the results!

It continues to be extremely important to not repeat fake news.  Show information should be disseminated by the show-giving club. Only if an authorized show committee member asks to post information about their show should others post or repeat information about a cluster.  At this point, I strongly recommend going directly to the show chair as opposed to looking up information on the AKC website.  Information on the website has been confusing and has caused people to conclude that shows are cancelled when they are not. The Canine Chronicle show calendar is a great resource to refer to in these “fluid” times.  We do our best to get our site updated as soon as official information is made available.

Most exhibitors are used to wearing masks at shows and abiding by the social distancing requirements.  These accommodations, which we are all making, can be more challenging for some individuals who are disabled in one way or another.

I have to be honest, guys, I cannot hear great out of my right ear, and I noticed while at Canfield that I may read lips more than I realized.  This issue may be even more challenging while in a ring trying to exhibit a dog.  I also have a difficult time remembering names and realized that I use facial recognition to help me remember.

I am working on a Table Talk Live! segment which will explore the difficulties hearing-impaired exhibitors may face as a result of the COVID-19 guidelines implemented at shows, such as wearing face masks and increased distancing.  There may also be other disabilities that make the COVID-19 guidelines more difficult for some, and I would love to chat with you about any challenges you face and how you are adjusting and finding ways to cope with the current practices.  Please reach out to me at  I’d love to chat with you about your experience.

It makes my heart full to see my friends back doing what they love to do… showing dogs! They are doing this, while making adjustments to how shows are run, with great acceptance and appreciation for the sport.  I am thrilled to have results to peruse on the Canine Chronicle website and Facebook page, and I am thrilled to be seeing the win announcements and cute photos on my Facebook feed!

A message to those of you who have received assistance from Take The Lead for insurance premiums during the COVID-19 pandemic: please note that they are assisting with premiums through the rest of 2020!!!  For more information, or to apply if you have not already done so, please visit their website at  Tuni Conti is selling ‘Thank Take The Lead’ raffle tickets to give back to the organization that has done so much to help those in the sport in their time of need.  Please contact Tuni via Facebook Messenger to purchase raffle tickets for this worthwhile cause!  The prizes include a $500 gift card, a new iPad, and an original drawing by artist Patrick McManus.  The drawing, originally planned for the Western Ohio Summer Cluster in Lima, Ohio on August 15th, will now be broadcast on Facebook Live on August 15th, since the Western Ohio Cluster in Lima had to reschedule to October 2-5 as a result of county health department guidelines.

I was saddened to hear about the passing of Lesley Boyes.  Our thoughts are with Eddie and Lesley’s family and friends at this difficult time.  She will be sorely missed by the fancy.

Happy Anniversary to my good friend, Kathy Bilicich-Garcia, and her husband Rick.  May you guys enjoy many more, happy, love-filled years together.

Celebrating birthdays this week are:  Kathy Garcia, Amiko Allen, Betty Leininger, Vincent Zuniaga and Kim Lourier. Here’s to a great birthday filled with laughter and love for each and every one of you!

Be safe out there, my friends!  Please don’t forget to give a big thank you to all the show chairs, committee folks and volunteers.  Be kind to each other and keep up the great work!  I’ll see you soon!  Until next time…

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Posted by on Aug 12 2020. Filed under Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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