It’s the year of the Old English Speepdog!
by Kathy Caton-Eiler
Westminster Kennel Club Reserve Best in Show winning and now World Dog Show Best In Show the Old English Sheepdog breed is having a good year, although the dogs were two different dogs this has to be an exceptional salute to the breed! This year World Winner BIS “Bottom Shaker My Secret” owner Jozsef Koroknai, an amazing representation of the breed. This dog has a well groomed sculptured coat which outlines his shape and showmanship demanding attention. Although we are not use to the full natural tail, he carries it proudly as he trots and the hair flows the entire length of the tail. I have to admit at first I was distracted but once I watched the dog and admired his grace, the tail was not a factor to me. The complete picture of the dog when standing is the same outline we see in our American Old English, the tail falls naturally between the legs and you end the body with the pronounced rump. When in motion the tail flows off the back from the natural croup and flows in a continuous motion with the body. It was a site to watch as the handler proudly enters the ring in full trot to accept the Best In Show honor. Unlike what we are use to at our AKC shows, when the judge makes his decision he sent all the dogs out of the ring and from fourth place to first place they call the winners in the ring. This allows the grand entrance of each winner and a full celebration broke out when the World Winner Old English was announced into the ring. Fans cheered, owners screamed and the handler threw his arm in the arm as the loud music hit the speakers singing ” celebrate good times, come on!” Celebrate was the perfect soundtrack for this moment for the team. Champaign immediately was presented to the crowd as all toasted to the new world winner, amazing!
Congrats to all the winners and the entire team of the new World Winner BIS Old English. Budapest was a wonderful city and beautiful backdrop for th 2013 World Dog Show, next year Helsinki!
A wonderful time in the city with a very warm welcome to Americans, the World Show has been at the top of my best experiences.
Kathy Caton-Eiler
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