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Working Dogs Are Happy Dogs

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234 – February, 2024

By Chris Robinson

Have you ever noticed how happy most dogs seem to be when they are working? Well, that’s a really silly question, come to think of it. Of course you’ve seen how happy your dogs are when they’re doing a job they love or you wouldn’t be doing it with them. This holds true even if that job is just sitting on someone’s lap as was the case with a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel belonging to a lady I interviewed.

The minute I sat down in her office, Eddie, her CKCS hopped into my lap and commenced bestowing several kisses on my chin, cheeks and forehead. Then, having successfully completed the “action” part of his life’s mission, he settled in to accomplish his primary work which was lapsitting, and he was very good at that job as he pursued his objective with much tail-wagging and a wide CKCS smile.

His owner said this was typical behavior for Eddie; it was his self-appointed job and, on more than one occasion, it had caused her considerable embarrassment. Just as an example, she said, the week prior to my interview, the local priest had stopped by for some tax advice. Unfortunately, he was wearing his black shirt and trousers. When the priest sat down, Eddie instantly jumped in his lap before his owner could grab him.

Eddie’s owner said, “I’m sorry to say that Father Paul left my office with a LOT of white hair decorating his shirt and pants and more than likely some CKCS slobber not only on his clothing but also on his face. I offered to clean him off but he said he couldn’t wait, he was late for an appointment. I certainly hope it wasn’t with his bishop or a big donor for his church because with a lot of white ‘Eddie’ hair on him plus what I’m sure would be dried slobber, his appearance wasn’t exactly the best!”

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234 – February, 2024

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