Westminster Ringside
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304 – September, 2022
By Caroline Coile
Westminster is our Mecca. And it’s just as much for what happens inside the rings as alongside the rings. Sure, most of our attention is riveted on the competitors. But we also glance ringside to spot the glamorous guests from overseas, the inconspicuous backers and, of course, the famous judges, handlers and breeders. But let your gaze wander still farther from the rings, and you’ll see the booths you expect to see at any show. Only—they’re not the same booths you expect to see at any show.
Where’s the usual plethora of dog sundry vendors? Just one: Cherrybrook. Dog food vendors? Well, Purina of course. It’s a Purina show, with Purina towels and swag bags and sponsorship. And, of course there’s the AKC swag booth and the Westminster swag booth, the latter so popular that the line took 45 minutes to reach the front. I think I made lifelong friends while standing in it. The next most popular line was one of the companies, I think the insurance one, giving out some treat—snow cones? I didn’t stand in that line, so I’m not sure, but I give them the award for “smartest booth idea.” And there was a booth for the green artificial turf “as seen on TV” (you know, in the group rings.)
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304 – September, 2022
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