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Understanding the Real Costs Behind a Dog Show & Your Entry Fees

You might wonder where your money goes when you pay your entry fee for a dog show. After completing the annual financial analysis for the Winter Blast Cluster, Daemon Heckman, President and Show Chair for the Valley Forge Kennel Club, had an interesting thought: Why not break it down into a classic pie chart to show exactly how the money is spent?

The Winter Blast pie chart illustrates exactly where each dollar of your entry fee goes within the dog show and club budget, highlighting some aspects of the show that exhibitors may not typically consider.

One notable observation is the absence of a segment labeled “organizer salaries.” Unlike many other events, dog shows are typically managed by a team of dedicated volunteers. The top leadership of these shows works entirely on a volunteer basis, driven by a passion for the sport. This labor of love is what keeps these events running.

However, there’s one piece of the pie that is important to highlight—the slice allocated to the host clubs. This part of the budget is crucial, as it allows the clubs to cover their operating costs while also supporting their mission of promoting public appreciation for purpose-bred dogs. The host clubs play an essential role in keeping the show going, ensuring that all expenses are met, and maintaining the event for years to come.

There’s another segment that may raise some eyebrows: “Train Wreck Shows.” This represents a rainy-day fund, a financial cushion designed to weather the inevitable years when the show may not be as financially successful. Every club experiences a “Train Wreck Show” at least once every decade, and it’s this fund that helps us stay afloat during those challenging times.

The Winter Blast Cluster hopes that you view this breakdown as an educational opportunity, providing insight from their successful December show. The future of dog shows will no doubt face several changes, and by understanding the full picture, we can all contribute to ensuring the continued success of all shows!

Credit: Daemon Heckman, President & Show Chair for the Valley Forge Kennel Club, Winter Blast Cluster

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Posted by on Feb 25 2025. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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