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The Big E – Emotions Up and Down

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306 – October, 2020

By Elaine Lessig

Let’s do a reality check. If we can be really honest with ourselves, we have been on an emotional rollercoaster for more than six months now. Just like the rollercoaster ride at a favorite amusement park, our daily lives share those same ups and downs. Excitement or anticipation best describes how we feel at the beginning of the ride. That first surge as the cars climb the metal structure heading for the peak brings a burst of pleasure or concern. Heading straight down into the depths of the steel valley below either feels screamingly fun or scary beyond words. By the end of the fifteen minutes of terror or delight, off we go. Some of us are eager to go on the same ride again. Others swear, never again. Our reactions are personal–reflections of who we are.

Here we are, trying our best, to navigate the vagaries we confront every day. These changes are both unexpected and inexplicable. They range from the untenable to the plausible. One minute you are all set to leave for the dog show. You have eagerly planned and prepared for nearly a month. Your travel arrangements are all set. Everything is packed. Just before you leave your home, a text comes, “The show has just been cancelled.” You read it again and again. “How can this be happening? Why? Why? Why?” you wonder. From the excitement you felt to be going to a dog show–at last–comes an overwhelming gloom. Will this ever end?

Frustration piles upon more frustration. Not only is the dog show cancelled, the club is not offering refunds. At last week’s shows you endured a change of judge. That did not go well. In two weeks, that very same judge is your replacement once again. Topping off these turns of events, notice comes that your dog’s entry at a four day cluster next month is only accepted for three of the four days. How can that be possible? It’s the very essence of hitting the wall, bouncing off of it, only to hit it again. Sound familiar?

As these disappointments pile one on top of another, it is easy to see how we may become exhausted. Big things, and little ones too, soon require more effort and energy than we have to exert. That friend that you text with often, wonders why you stopped. The new episodes of a series you follow on Netflix are available, but you have no desire to watch them. Your Zoom cocktail hour with friends goes on without you again this evening. The rest of the group wonders where you are. Getting your checking account up to date is way beyond your level of interest.

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306 – October, 2020


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