Seven Ways To Make The Steward Your Friend
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By Sandy Weaver
Have you ever fulfilled the role of steward at a dog show? If so, you know that it’s an exercise in multitasking, diplomacy and (at times) controlling your hands so they don’t fly around someone’s neck!
Most exhibitors don’t really know what a steward does except for handing out armbands and calling classes into the ring. There’s a lot more to the job than that, and there are a lot of ways that people make the job much harder for the steward than it needs to be. So, in appreciation for their role in keeping the show moving smoothly, here are seven ways to make the stewards’ lives easier.
1. Get to the ring early and check in with the steward. Pick up your armband once you’ve checked in – now that the armbands are laying on the table it’s easy to just “grab and go.” When you do that, the steward doesn’t know if the armband just got lost or whether you’ll actually be in the ring with your dog. Don’t burgle the band–pick it up only after the steward knows you’re planning on being in the ring with your dog.
2. Report absences, move-ups and any potential problem with your entry. When you first arrive at a show you should look at the catalog to be sure your dog is listed in the class you intended. If not, go directly to the Superintendent to have it fixed so they have time to correct the judge’s book. When you get to your ring, mention the issue to the steward so they can double-check to ensure the change was made. Telling them about any of your dogs that won’t be showing or have moved up to Best of Breed gives them information they need to keep the ring running smoothly and on time. They’ll double-check the move-up with the judge and will report absences to the judge. That way no one will be standing around waiting for dogs that aren’t coming.
3. It’s best if you come to the ring knowing the armband number(s) you need. If not, most stewards will allow you to look at their book. Please don’t touch it. Shows are happening with many rules in place to keep potential contagion to a minimum. Since there’s no way to sanitize the book without ruining the book, it should only be handled by the steward.
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