Send Us Your #NextGeneration Photos!
We want to see our readers #NextGeneration photos to be shared on The #CanineChronicle!
Thank you Rebecca Cohen for sharing these wonderful photos of your daughter, Zoey, competing at the dog shows. Zoey is 7 years old and patiently awaiting her own AKC Junior Showmanship number so she can participate in the “big girl classes” as she puts it. Rebecca says, “Any time there is a show that is holding a PeeWee class – she is the first the ask to be entered. Zoey love all breeds of dogs and really enjoys being out at the shows.”
Do your children train the puppies? Do they love to groom the dogs and get them show ready? Do they help whelp litters? Do they help take candid photos? Do your kids just love spending time with the dogs? Please share photos of your Next Generation (2 legged and 4 legged) with us! We want to see them! Email Gia at with your photos!
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